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Everyone appreciated and understood when we had to increase our condo fees. Everyone should recognize that the increase helps keep our community maintained. Some of our fee's help pay for the following:

  • Trash disposal
  • Plowing and Salt
  • Landscaping
  • Legal
  • Planned Maintenance (Roof Repairs, Front Condos, Fences, Lights, Replace Pavement, Re-paint lines and much more.
  • And More ...

The people who serve as Trustees volunteer their time to save our cost from increasing even more. If we hired an outside company to manage this facility the fees would be much higher.

It's every resident's responsibility to do there part and help in some way. The fact we pay fees does not mean that we do not have to help. The money from fees is used for specific expenses. We can save some money by doing some of these things ourselves.


Everyone should consider being a Trustee. Everyone should try to help! Please volunteer when a notice has been published asking for help. This property is our home and we own this land. Any time we ask for volunteers, we are trying to bank money for other problems. Nobody profits from paying higher fees. If we are operating in the negative we will have to re-evaluate are fees.

Let's keep our home and community beautiful. Your resale value could depend on it.



Volunteer Today!

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