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    After a while of putting it off, I finally decided to start making my website so that the nice people at Angelfire will not get mad at me. Well, first of all, I'd like to say welcome to my website and I'm glad that you decided to visit and learn more about me, Jupiter. The picture on the left is of me and some mortal woman. I think her name was Alcmena but I'll be damned if I keep track of all of my affairs with mortal women but please don't tell Juno, she gets very jealous.

    I hope you enjoy my site and have fun with it, but I will not be held responsible for anything that you take too seriously. Also, always assume that when I say updated regularly or daily or anything that has any sort of commitment like that, that I'm lying or that aliens made me say it. Lastly, I assume that if you're looking at my website, your browser and setting is exactly like mine.

NEWS (or something like it):

07.06.2002 -- The "Messages" page is down because I can't get things to work out, so basically you have this page and the "About Me" to look, I'll finish it up sometime.

06.06.2002 -- Today, I basically just decided to completely revamp my website because I hated how it looked, I hope it looks better now because I worked harder on it.

26.05.2002 -- After a grueling 7 hours at work and 4 hours of it spent at the counter, I decided to spend some time with FrontPage and see what it will do this time to piss me off. Oh by the way, I updated my "About Me" page.

25.05.2002 -- So, I watched two movies today, Vanilla Sky and Insomnia, and I would just like to say that the former is CRAZY!!, with capital letters while the latter is nothing spectacular. I just want to say that I don't want to sleep anymore and I am now officially afraid of getting into the car with a girl that I just did stuff with four times. Oh yeah, also I added my guestbook, so give me your comments of what you think.

23.05.2002 -- Today I made the website and it is 2220 now so I'm not gonna bother doing anymore and don't count on anything being done for a while. All the links on the top are pretty much broken.

Quote of this Time Period:

06.06.2002 [2202]

"He's a pawn in your tools."

-Will to Carol about Tom.


26.05.2002 [1920]

"Este mundo se va acabar si no hacemos nada

La musica no cambia nada, sin accion directa."

-Falling Sickness "Accion Directa"

25.05.2002 [2312]

Duggar: What has two thumbs and likes blow jobs? points to self with thumbs. This guy.



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