Deep Throat in Davis-Flores House of Cards
Kidnapped kids forced into mental and emotional wheelchairs

by James J Keene PhD

Portsmouth, Dominica - Sep 20, 2003 A reliable source with inside information on the Davis-Flores house of cards has provided vivid description of damage suffered by the kidnapped Keene kids.

Deep Throat Informant

Why did our "Deep Throat" informant emerge now? The Davis-Flores kidnap caper has dragged on for almost nine years. But lately, it looks like their ship is sinking. No one can be found who believes the cover stories used by the child abductors to bury their deeds.

Meanwhile, the crippling of the victim children cannot be hidden and only grows worse. Maybe the informant had some pangs of conscience. The informant may want to be positioned as a "good guy".

Among the brothers and sister Davis-Flores and other near relatives, would there be some sort of vow of silence? Perhaps the destructive course of Nilda Davis-Flores aka "Nilda Keene" was just too much for one of them to bear. Then there are the helpers or allies of the kidnappers in Dominica. Was it one of these who decided to bail out and tell the truth of what they know?

Given the known penchant of the Davis-Flores clan to "write their own rules" without regard for commonly accepted standards, it is essential to protect the identity of this new "Deep Throat". However, the information, including documentation, obtained by the Keene Kids News is considered to be highly reliable and verifiable.

Mental and Emotional Wheelchairs

Highlights of evidence from our informant form a story of deep and enduring pain and incapacitation:

(1) The debilitating effects of the kidnapping were observed almost immediately after the Feb. 1, 1995 kidnapping.
(2) Over time, the victim children - James R. Keene and Grace J. Keene -- developed a deep anger focussed on their father [the author and victim parent].
(3) The children became certain that their father was trying to hurt their mother in relation to court proceedings that grew out of the kidnapping.
(4) The children came to believe that their father was angry at them.
(5) The children came to believe that their father was also trying to hurt them.
(6) The children no longer trust their father.
(7) The abductors do not trust the children. For example, the abductors and helpers in New Jersey, Puerto Rico and Dominica have long known about the Missing Keene Kids web site but prevent any information about its existence from reaching the children.
(8) The children suffered economic hardship because of the kidnapping.

Keene Kids News Analysis

This information is a blue-print on why children should not be kidnapped, and as such, is not new in the field of child abduction. Indeed, it is considered par-for-the-course.

The Keene Kids News now has further reliable evidence that this particular kidnapping has caused tangible and serious damage to the victim children.

With this data, the case is clear. The Davis-Flores clan has directly caused severe harm to my innocent children. There can be no doubt. My children have not received proper child care for almost nine years.

As a result, the children require proper care and healing. The longer the Davis-Flores crew delays that process, the more severe the damages will be.

How can my children progress if they are in the hands of people who don't even trust them? They can never enter the circle of trust among the gang members themselves. They will always be considered puppets on a string.

In sum, the kidnapping of my children by the Davis-Flores clan has crippled them, disabled them, made them into persons with disabilities. The Davis-Flores gang has forced my children into mental and emotional wheelchairs.

Consider a person who does not trust his or her own parent. Who is angry at his or her own parent. Who may make false statements about his or her own parent. And all of this without the benefit of sound reasoning and evaluation of the facts. Notice how points #3 to #5 above might result in false statements by the victim child about his or her own parent regarding perceived wrongful behavior that never happened.

Such a person has suffered serious damage. Would you befriend such a person? Or would such a person turn around and be angry at you, too? As an employer, would you hire such a person? Is a person trustworthy who does not trust his or her own parent without sound justification?

In brief, my children have been handicapped by their kidnapping and abuse for almost nine years. My children might be seriously disadvantaged compared to children who have not received such terrible treatment.

Other Developing Stories

Baha'i Faith On a more upbeat note, the National Bahai'i Center in Wilmette, IL, has performed a wonderful service by helping the author -- the victim parent -- get in touch with the victim children. Our own research pointed to New Jersey as a current location and likelihood of participation on Baha'i activities there. So the Baha'is were contacted and in short order, provided a mailing address for the missing children.

Their ability to accomplish this, in the context of this developing story, has to be considered as a truly outstanding service to all concerned. The success of the Baha'is is all the more remarkable in view of an over eight year effort by the child abductors to prevent communication between child and parent. The guiding principles used by the Baha'is to interact with Nilda Davis-Flores will no doubt be of interest to all students of the child abduction phenomenon.

As a result, the author has been able to begin an exchange of emails with his children, that hopefully will begin a long-needed healing process.

Flood of Emotions This brief exchange of emails is a very fragile situation indeed. Deep emotions from nine years of abuse will resurface. The physical safety of my children is in question, as the Davis-Flores crew sees their house of cards collapsing.

How is it possible, they might ask, that the abducted children have free unfettered communication with their father and the truth will not be known by all? In short, the Davis-Flores clan may be seeing "Game Over" flashing on their screens.

Light or Flight Which footsteps of their child abductor mother will my children follow? The extensive educational achievements of their mother or her pattern of running and hiding? Will history repeat itself with kidnappers and children vanishing all over again? Or will my children accept some responsibility to help their mother, as I have asked them to.

Copyright © 2003 James J. Keene
Original Publication: Sep 20, 2003

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