CONSOLE Updated: July 4, 2006 Console (CONSOLE numeric arguments are non-floating integer values) ~~~~~~~ CLS clears screen. COLOR foreground[, background]; "normal" is COLOR 7,0 COLOR 14 'change foreground (text); leave background unchanged FREECONSOLE (see Miscellaneous section) INPUT [prompt_string;] var1[, var2, var3, etc] Prints prompt_string, if any, which may be any string expression. Then INPUT assigns the user's keyboard input line to one or more dimensioned variables. If more than one variable is listed, the input line is parsed as a comma-delimited list. The variables may be any type, including array elements or type members, either string or numeric (similar to the READ statement). =====hotinput.bas $APPTYPE CONSOLE dim i as long, j as long, a$ as string input "prompt "; i, j, a$ print i; tab; j; tab; a$ PAUSE =====hotinput.bas LOCATE line, column; positions cursor at 1-based line/column. LOCATE 1,1 'locate in upper-left position PAUSE prints a prompt and waits for user key press. PRINT number | string[; number | string[; etc]] PRINT i; comma; j; comma, a$ PRINT i; 'prints with no crlf PRINT i 'print i and crlf SETCONSOLEMODE mode; mode is valid w32 SetConsoleMode API mode: $DEFINE ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT &H1 $DEFINE ENABLE_LINE_INPUT &H2 $DEFINE ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT &H4 $DEFINE ENABLE_WINDOW_INPUT &H8 $DEFINE ENABLE_MOUSE_INPUT &H10 SETCONSOLEMODE 7 'enable ctrl-c, line input and echo SETCONSOLETITLE string; string is application title bar text. Note: same as Application.Title = string SHOWCONSOLE No arguments. Used to create a fully functional new console window. For debugging, SHOWCONSOLE can be useful in CGI and GUI applications. Please see the Objects > CONSOLE for more properties and methods. + Penthouse (registered) version Copyright 2003-2006 James J Keene PhD Original Publication: Oct 8, 2003