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My Opions and suggestions to problems.

Why I made this site.
I made this site because i needed a good first site to learn from so that i can make tons of other good sites in the future. I also wanted to make my mistakes now so that i won't in the future so don't expect anything good for a wile. Also i will be goin on vacation next week so there will not be any updating for a wile so be patient an i should return soon. This site is also linked to a bunch of other sites so i also use this site as a counter. This site was created 7-24-02 so that is why there are not that many hits yet. Also on this site i will be writing a bunch of my opions down so you may be interested in reading them. Some time soon i hope to make somthing so that you all can e-mail me and i can give you opions to certain things that you have questions on. Oh and by the way if you play shooting games or other action games (Like Soldier Of Fourtune II) and see someone named NeonFox say Hi to me! It's nice to run into people. Thanks and enjoy my site.

Some of my Opionions at the moment, or what i am currently working on.
-Man How do parents allways seem to know when it is progress report day :( Well hope all of you did well on your's. Good luck I know some of you will really need it. Well my friend is out of town so i can't ask him today. But i will get it done. Matter of fact i will set up the mail account now to be ready. Well have a good day/night all.(10-3-02)

-Hey all Sorry bout the e-mail :( I would ask for you to e-mail me to tell me what to do, but i guess i can't. Still keep forgeting to ask my friend to help me out. well i will be on soon to fix prob I am gonna try an use the Microsoft date thingy to remind me! I can't wait to hear from u all. 18R. Plus I am tierd. Gotta Listen to love line Adam Perola or how ever you spell it has some interesting oppionions to. LOL see yea!(10-1-02)

-Hey all how you guys doing tomorow i will have the e-mail function i have been talking about up this should help all of you a lot more with problems... well I got somthing interesting to think about. If any of you have ever been to a LAN party or know anything about them you would know they are normally in the same room. So you would think that you wouldn't need anything specal to use to talk to others in the room. Well i think that it would be useful if somone made some soft ware that you can use to talk to others using microphones through the LAN. If anyone knows any useful things out there let me know perferibly free software. Well there is somthing new to think about see all of you later.(9-16-02)

-Sorry all I have been out of town currently i am tring to set up an e-mail so that all of you can e-mail me some questions that you would like my opinion that way i think you all will find the subjects more interesting well stay cool all of you, I should be writing a whole lot more and i will be wanting to hear lots of stuff about all of you so i guess i will see ya 18R.(9-7-02)

-For todays opionions I think it is weird how a system that does not have as good a processor and the graphics arn't as good can be beating another system that has a much beter processor, way better graphics and many extra featurs that other systems do not have. When both of these systems have the same exact price. If you havn't gessed it yet I am talking about the Playstation2 (being the one with the not as fast processor) and the X-Box (the one with the faster processor) most people that work for the company's will say that they are about even in compition, but everyone i know that is a gamer (which is a whole bunch of people) get the impression that Playstation2 is winning. One of the reasons that i think that more people have PS2 is because it has a whole lot more games than the X-Box also it can play all of the old games for the Playstation1. The reason i think that this is for example if you went in to a computer store and saw two new computers for the same price but one was much faster and beter than the other most people would pic the faster one. So that is just somthing that you can think about. Also i will be away for a week so don't expect anything till i return. (7-26-02)

-At the moment I am just working on how to make web pages without using an editer. It may seem hard but it is actually quite easy and fun so I recomend that everyone tries to learn it and make some usful web pages and not just a bunch of useless crap that you find all over the web. Although my friend who is very good with html tells me that it gets hard as junch later on when you get into tables, but so far it is fairly simple to me.(7-24-02)

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