Mmalade's Profile!

5/16/2004: Only added 1 new quote, but changed the name of Jack's section.
3/31/2004: Well, I finally decided to update. Mostly added Jack's new section below. Also split Aluma's and Joyce's section into multiple pages, but only new additions to Joyce's. Removed a couple of sections and links 'cause I probably won't use them ever again.
~<3 520 ~<3 530 ~<3
=-O=-OWant to know how?=-O=-O
:-D:-DCheck my links section!:-P:-D
Quote Counter!
Aluma: 28
Jack: 18 *
Jon: 52
Joyce: 59
Mr. Dunbar: 23
j y a s d f: ur profile looks slick
You bet it does! ;-)
Upcoming Events (11/17)
Badminton (11/17)
Funny Stuff/Quotes (4/18)
Dunbar Quotes (04/15/03)
The Joyce Files: Quotes (3/31), Scenes (12/14)
The Adventures of Soft-Skinned Boy (3/31)
Tales of the Blonde (1/14)
Wankery (5/28)
My Friends (3/31)
Links (11/17)

Email me! (dead link)
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