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So you'll always remember...               So you'll always remember...





This is a memoir of a love.  Once in your life, there will come a person who will love you unconditionally, not for the many things that you are but for who you are. Someone who would wish the best for you always, realistic and cognizant of the possibility that you may not always be together. Someone who understands and more importantly accepts your provision in life, which fate invariably assigned. He doesn't take it against you...  Because he discerns that he is, like you, imperfect.

I have found such a love. I would not say that I lost it because finding is not keeping.  It is knowing that among everything that have been set before you,  this is one that holds a memory worth-keeping. One that you will embrace focal for as long as you live. You lose grasp of the physicality but the abstraction will remain perpetual.

I cannot touch you nor hold you close any longer but I know that you will always be mine because I have found you.





I am sorry because things had to be this way.  I am sorry because we misunderstood.  I want you to know that I never parted because I did not love you anymore.  I just needed enough space and time to heal my broken pride and my broken heart.  Time to re-evaluate the situation.  Time be re-assured that I was really important to you, that our love was important to you.  For the past three years you said things will be better.  Please tell me that I did not wait.  

 By the time I was sure that you were the only one for me, like what you said in your last letter, you weren't there anymore.  I am sorry because I know I played mind games with you. This is a lesson learned. I didn't know when and when not to exercise my pride because I lost it.   

You said I hurt you, but was it ever to your detriment?  I was hurt too.  Focus, direction, and improvement have all been attained  in the conclusion of our relationship.  These are all the things I have ever wanted you to gain when we were together,  and now you have, so I am happy for you. It is true that you need to lose some, to gain some.  In this case, I needed to be sacrificed.

You let go for you could no longer stand the pain, because you think that there was someone else.  There was none.  You said you'd wait.

You say you can forgive but you cannot forget.  I ask you why my love? You are hurt because you think that I played with your emotions. You only thought but you NEVER knew.  I am sorry because I did not let you know..    Whatever it was, and whatever it is,  I want you to know that   


It was a risk I took to tell you how I truly feel and because of this, even your friendship nor cordiality, I don't have anymore. So I would say goodbye for now because you told me to stop.  This is a memoir for you to remember the love we shared.  Please take care of yourself always.  Good luck to you and your relationship. 


God Bless...


 Maybe it is true that some good things really never last, like your love...          



But you said FOREVER...


Love Hurts



    John Lennon Days                may 01, 1998     


The first day            Happy birthday to you!


 trips to JOY                Binhi Sports fest      


 The Dark Room    


 chomi                                                     Sick? Go to the Clinic!      





fishballs           Happy 2nd Year Anniversary!


  The Wedding


Ghostfighter            Alcogel


Oathtaking           Enchanted Kingdom


New Years at His Home




His poetry

More than paper





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