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Welcome to the homepage of the Hudson "Luna-tic" astronomy club.

We meet at 7:00pm every second tuesday in the basement of the Hudson Community Center. Owning a telescope is not a pre-requisite for being a member, just an interest in astronomy.

Luna-Tic Calendar

Member Astrophotos

Luna-Tic's in action with the community

Astronomy day in Hudson with the Luna-Tics

When will the moon rise and set today?

Some interesting links (or so "we" think)

Telescopes and accesories for sale

Current club projects include building a 10" Newtonion reflector telescope (including grinding and polishing the primary mirror), educating the public and members about astronomy and telescope building, and getting a new member who has a scope bigger and better than Pierre T's 20" Obsession.

What the night sky would look like from your home without light pollution

Problems, questions send e-mail to the web dictator