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Rush Lambda Iota Upsilon

What is a Fraternity?

A Greek organization is a group of individuals of similar interest bonded together by common goals and aspirations. these bonds are created trough rituals in which all members participate. Rituals are based on common principles such as honor, friendship, truth and courage, just to name a few. Each group works to instill these ideals in their everday activities it is referred to as a Greek organization because the name consists off Greek letters that serve as a reminder of the groups values.

Why Join a Fraternity?

When colleges and unversities were first started, the schools were very restrictive as a result, different types of orginizations were formed to create an avenue for discussion, thought nad social activites. Since colleges and universities prohibited students to discuss anything other then prescribed work people bonded together to express radical views and ideas. the fraternity was forme to combat social norms, since many of these meetings had to be held in secret , mottoes, badges and colors were used as means to identify one another. From this sprang many of the modern day rituals. So its safe to say most fraternities were founded as a protest against domination of student activities. And the same hold true for today. The founding father line of LIU had dreams of creating and organization that would complement and enhance what we learn in class as well as daily life, this can be achieved by holding both academic and social events.

Today's curriculum is proscribed to us, to the point were what is right academically can't be questioned. College life is full of controversial materials, highly structured days, depressing physical enviroment and inflexable social rules. in order to combat these Situations people must band together both socially and academically, ther's strength in numbeers. By far the most immediate benefit is social , but are goal is to establish and form a network of professionals functioning in all fields of the business world, whidh will be mutually beneficial to all of us and far outway the rest.


For info on how to Join or To start a new chapter E-Mail Brother wise.

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