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First of all, I just want to apologise to anyone who thought there would be something truly exciting and dramatic on a page titled [Legolas Talks.] I have decided to go with quotes that I would like to hear Legolas say. The ones I want heard said to me are in this colour. (Although, to hear his voice would be enough.)  Maybe one day I will have some files of Legolas talking. Maybe one day it will happen.

"There will one day be a time, when all that I love has come to pass, and the ways of the world will fall to men."

"Your love protects me more then any weapon could."


 "If I could only have you for one night, I would treasure it forever."


"Eternity is a long time to spend walking alone. I would sooner be like you and be loved, then like me and not loved."

"I speak to those whom I love, yet my voice is heard not often."

"My bow protects me from many things, yet it cannot protect me from love."

"So much remains to be seen, I dare not give my heart to you."


[submit your own lines here]