Sunday, June 20th 2004, - Amsterdam, Holland


Got woken up @ 3am by the guys we'd met last nite. They got home from the bar hammered & decided it'd be a good time to wake us up & bug us. Next thing we know they're lighting up a joint along w/ the girl sleeping next to us ... this city is just what you'd expect.
Slept in a bit this morning. First stop of the day was the Heineken Brewery. Got there around noon & did the self-guided tour. The brewery stopped working there in 1988 (moved elsewhere), but they show you how the beer is made & have a ton of mutilmedia displays about Heineken's history, their TV ads, everything. Plus you get 3 free beers along the tour & a souvenir glass to take home ... very fun!
Feelign a little buzzed, we left the brewery at 4 & stopped in at the Cannabis College - an info. centre on marijuana, etc. A big theme there is the number of people that have been arrested for small amounts intended for personal use. They had a few photos & writeups about people arrested for selling medicinal marijuana (the users are legally protected, but the suppliers aren't). We also got to see their plants. They have a garden in the basement grown totally organically. 5 big marijuana bushes. Totally legel too; personal gardens here can have 5 plants/household. So wierd to see a big plant in real life. Amsterdam is like a whole other world.

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