Friday, June 18th 2004, - Bruges to Amsterdam

So ... funny story ... or at least I'm hoping it will seem funny to me some time from now when I look back on it. Whenever we arrive in a new city I always throw ou the train tickets we used to get there. However, this morning, 3 days after throwing away our train tickets in Bruges, it dawned on me that we had stuck our Rail passes in our little ticket folder on the last trip to make things easy when the ticket-checker came by. So our Rail passes are now lying in some dumpster in Bruges somehwere :S You can imagine how pleased I was w/ myself!
Luckily we're at the end of our trip, so we bought our train tickets to Amsterdam (our final destination). Another uneventful train ride ... we arrived in Amsterdam at 2:30. And yes, it's just as expected ... "coffee shops" every 20 feet, on our way to our hostel we passed a man in a leopard print dress & blonde wig. And w/in 10 minutes of being in our hostel room (a large 20 bed dorm) 2 travellers walked in & proceeded to roll & smoke. Ah...Amsterdam!
Did some errands like internet & getting photos burned & then got dinner at the supermarket. Took it easy at the hostel for the rest of the night ... so tired these days!

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