Thursday, June 17th 2004, - Bruges, Belgium

Geo & I visited the Folklore Museum this morning. All the info posted was in Flemish (Dutch) so we couldn't read it, but the displays were neat; an old classroom, a tailor shop, a shoemaker, a hat maker, pipe & tobacco parapanaelia (sp?) ... even an accordian exhibit!? It pretty much reminded me (minus the accordions) of Upper Canada Village.
After that we went to the windmill that we'd seen yesterday & took the (quick) tour inside of it. The thing is mostly wood - including the cog & wheel mechanism inside that grinds the grain. And the whole windmill can be turned around by hand (not so easy) so that it faces the wind all the time. Pretty neat. It was pretty windy today too so it was going fast.
At 1:30 we met up w/ a bike tour. Again, like Berlin, we had a small group b/c it was grey & windy out which scares people away from biking. The tour took us into the Belgian countryside towards (& fairly close to) the border w/ Holland. We saw farms w/ horses, cows (the biggest cow I have ever seen too ... the size of 2 cows - I swear!), sheep & a goat. We also saw a bunch of wind turbines spinning on the horizon (it's so flat here!). We biked along the canals & stopped in a little town called Damme for some traditional Belgian waffles ... mmmm.
Dinner was french fries from a stand (they like their pommes frites here!). Had heard about a bar at another hostel from 2 girls on our bike tour & so we decided to check it out. Had a couple of beers & watched the Croatia-France EuroCup soccer game on their big screen. Met 3 guys from Montreal - turns out 2 of them went to Hopewell & Lisgar before moving to Montreal & knew Adam Cygler & Jakob Teitlebaum pretty well! Small world, eh?

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