Sunday, June 13th 2004, - Berlin, Germany

This morning geo & I went to see the East Side Gallery; it's a mile long seciton of the Berlin Wall & a group of painters has painted different sectoins of it which was cool to look at. However, a lot of tourists have decided they should leave their mark too & have Sharpied their name on top of the paintings - kind of unfortunate. People from Berlin seem to have a bit more respect & when they want to spraypaint, they tag the other side instead so that the paintings don't get ruined.
About mid-day we headed over to another museum about the wall. This one had a really neat slideshow of photos form every stage of the Wall's existence from its building to being torn down.
At 4 o'clock we signed up for a bike tour around Berlin. Very fun! Our guide was great & we had some really hilaroius people on the tour w/ us which made it a ton of fun ... & our group was small which was really nice. We biked around, stopping periodically so that our guide could give us some historical perspective on the different monuments. After about 2.5 hours, we stopped at a biergarten for some beer & sausage & pretzel ... mmm. Then comes the fun part ... getting back on the bikes after the biergarten. One guy, who was an absolute riot, rode his bike down these steep stairs that our guide said no one had managed to successfully bike down as of yet. Another kid fell off his bike TWICE (not hurt) on the way home, plus fell off his bench at the biergarten too. Very amusing! If you wanna' see some pics, our guide took some & they are here on the Fat Tire homepage. Lucky for me I look so hot when I'm backpacking through Europe (she said sarcastically). It's kind of unfortunate that I'm gonna look so gross in all my photos ... oh well!
After the tour, our guide, the owner of the tour, another guide & some of us from the afternon tour (plus some guys from the morning tour) all headed to an Irish pub together for a drink. It was a great time :)

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