Mondaz, June 7th 2004, - Athens to Munich

My apologies ... spelling will be wonky b/c this keyboard & my website server seem to disagree on some of the characters!
Up at 6 am this morning & off to the airport. The bus to get there took an hour & it was SOOOO crowded! Checked in, boarded, & the flight to Munich was uneventful other than the crappy airplane food.
Got into Munich on the S-Bahn (metro-type train) & then took the tram out to the campground. Dropped off our stuff & headed back into town to the English Gardens; an absolutelz huge public garden w/ people riding their horses, people surfing the manmade river, beer gardens, & tons & tons of people just hanging out tanning, playing sports, playing music, etc. Took a quick walk through but barely even saw the park since itīs so big!
Walked into the downtown area & strolled around a bit, stopped for dinner & then got ourselves back out to the campsite where there was a huge campfire going. Sat around chatting w/ other travellerīs for a couple of hours before going to sleep. Weīre sleeping in this huge tent that sleeps 250 people. You get a thin mat to sleep on & 3 blankets. Geo & I wound up asking for a couple of extra blankets b/c itīs pretty cold tonite. Thereīs onlz about 15 other people staying in the tent right now too. I stuffed all the clothes I wasnīt wearing into a sleeping bag for a pillow (even though I had most of my warmest clothes on for warmth overnight) & Geo sacrificed one of her extra blankets for a pillow!

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