Thursday, June 3rd 2004, - Corfu, Greece

Amber & Collin left early this morning on the day bus to Athens so that they wouldn't have to deal w/ a crappy sleep. Adam leaves today to go back to Italy & Geo, myself, Robin & Dave are all headed to Athens on the Pink Palace's (our hotel's) overnight bus later today. It's been so nice having our group of friends here to hang out with ... I think it made our stay in Corfu much better ... it would've been good, but these people made it way more fun.
Another day of crappy weather. Up early to pack & check out by 9 am (which, btw, is wayyyyy to early when you've been up late dancing & doing shots of Ouzo ... oh yeah - and I have no voice today ... too many nights of trying to talk over the loud music in the bar). Spent a long time at breakfast eating & chatting w/ Robin & Dave. Spent most of the day sitting around in the beach building, reading, writing, chatting, eating lunch, & playing some ping-pong (we're not very good - we hit every single other person in the room w/ the ball at least once).
Walked to the supermarket in town to buy bus snacks. Had the early dinner so that we could get on the bus at 9pm (dinner in Europe is usually a late affair). The bus we took is a mini-bus - the one they use to shuttle guests b/w the port & the hotel. About 15 seats. No bathroom (who sends people on an overnight bus trip w/ no WC?). The bus driver was nuts; repeating everything he said 3 times fast, driving insanely (as in weaving across the middle line, not watching the road, playing chicken w/ 18-wheelers while passes others...), he picked a fight w/ this obnoxious passenger on the bus & was screaming at him. The whole thing seemed so sketchy - one girl had to sit on a plastic stool in the aisle. We were all just hoping to make it to Athens in one piece. Sleep was kind of non-existent b/c when you were on the bus you were in wierd, uncomfortable positions & there were 2 ferries & a pitstop that we had to get off the bus for through the night. But at least we had some bathroom breaks! Thank-god we arrived safe in Athens.

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