Sunday, May 30th 2004, - Naples to Greece


Btw - thankyou to everyone who's been sending me emails ... so nice to hear from you! My apologies if I haven't written you back ... I've barely been able to find the time to update this site :S But I love to hear from you, so keep writing & I'll will be in touch as soon as I'm home if not while I'm here.
Up way early this morning (5:30 am) to get to the train station. Bit of a panic attack when w/ 1 minute to go about 6 of us were on the train & ready to go when we had to switch to another train - one of the Italians explained to us the last minute announcement that the train had been switched. A bit of chaos. We all had to run to catch the right train. Long train ride due to a two hour stop over in some random little town along the way.
Got into Brindisi in the early afternoon & found the placed deserted (Sunday - they're all religious in Italy ... take the day of rest seriously). Found the ferry office easily, booked tickets for the night ferry to Corfu, which is an island off the Western coast of Greece. Went around the corner to the only restaurant that was open during the lunch hour siesta (or whatever that's called in Italy) & had pizza for the 5th day in a row ... gotta' love Italian pizza. Started walking towards teh port when we were spotted by these 2 Italian guys who promptly followed us & started chatting w/ us. After the usual introduction of names and hometowns/countries, they started asking us if we had boyfriends & would we like to kiss them (even though we have boyfriends) ... rent a hotel room w/ them ... "bearing the children" with them. It was pretty amusing. But they were very persistent. It took an hour before they were convinced that we really weren't interested & they decided to bid us adieu.
Spent the rest of the afternoon reading by the water until it was time to catch the shuttle bus to the port where the ferries leave. Met up w/ some other Canadians that had all met up w/ each other throughout the day in Brindisi - we were all headed for the same ferry. The shuttle driver dropped us off in the middle of this huge port w/o so much as a point in the direction of the embarkation office. Once we finally found that we were then left to our own devices to find out which ferry is ours. Finally we all got on the right ferry, boarded & the ferry set sail. The group of us headed to the bar on board & had a couple of rounds of beer & chatted before calling it a night & trying to get a little sleep before our 6am arrival in Corfu.

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