Thursday, May 27th, 2004, - San Gimignano, Italy

This morning we bought plastic bowls at the campsite's market & Frosted Flakes & a small thing of milk & had cereal for the first time in weeks ... tasted so good!!!
We took the bus to San Gimignano today. San Gimignano is a samll town up on a hill, surrounded by a stone wall & famous for the towers that still remain from the old city. We took a tour through the Museum of torture which exhibits all sorts of Medieval torture devices as well as some from more recent times (gas chamber & electric chair). Some of the things they use to use & do were just unbelievable. They also say that some are still in use in more remote countries of the world. Wow.
After lunch & a gelato we followed a walking path around the outside wall of the city (about 2 km long). Along the path, every so often the trees would break & we'd get this phenomenal view of the Tuscan countryside. Colourful fields, rolling hills, Tuscan farmhouses on hilltops. And none of my words or photos can do it justice ... it's one of those "You have to go & see it" things! People watched from the church steps in the main piazza for a while before catching our bus back into Firenze.
This evening we walked up to Piazza Michelangelo which overlooks the whole city & watched the sunset ... so grogeous! Took tons of photos too. Once the sun went behind the mountains we went back to the campsite to get a pizza at the bar & chatted w/ a guy from the US who is doing his MBA at a Univ. in Switzerland. The bar patio here is great - we never have a shortage of people to chat w/ & get to know!!!

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