Monday, May 24th, 2004, - Venice, Italy

Booked seats on the train for Florence for tomorrow. Spent the morning walking around town along basically the same route that we had taken when we got here on Monday. Stopped by a few stores for some souvenirs ... I now have all my souvenirs bought!!! So we decided to put them all in a package & send them home so that we won't have to worry about breaking stuff when we're dropping our packs all over & using them as leaning posts & stuff. It was expensive to send by air, but we wanted it to get home in a decent amount of time. It's worth not lugging it all around for the next month.
Spent the afternoon at the Guggenheim, which is a display of Peggy Guggenheim's 20th century art collection. All the art is hung in the Palazzo where whe lived from 1949 to '79 (when she died). I wasn't sure if I'd be into all the modern art stuff but I really liked the museum.
Took a stroll through Piazza San Marco which has a gorgeous church (we didn't go in - but the outside was beautiful!). Got some gelato (mmmmm ... gelato .. it's everywhere here!) & went back to the hostel. Had dinner @ Brek, the Italian fast food place. Had planned to go back to our room to shower & pack before going to sleep b/c our train leaves first thing in the morning. But when we got back there was a group of people just sitting in the lobby drinking & chatting so we wound up sitting around there for a few hours. Later in the evening, most of the crowd left to go to a dance club down the street which they'd been to before and never has anyone else in there (they've been on weeknights). Stayed at the hostel & chatted w/ this Kiwi couple who are working in England for a few months at a time & then travelling when they get together enough money to go backpack for a while. They've been doing it for 2 years or so ... they had some great stories & wonderful tips for the places we were headed.

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