Sunday, May 23rd, 2004, - Venice, Italy


Today we slept in a bit which was nice cuz I didn't sleep enough the night before. Got groceries for the day at the grocery store & headed off w/ Gene & Emilie to the beach on Lido. Walked to the end of the island which took about a half hour b/c most of the island's beach is private w/ little huts you have to pay for etc. So the only public beach is a tiny piece in the middle or longer stretches at either end. Laid out on the beach ... didn't put sunscreen on cuz the sun didn't seem that intense ... fell asleep ... and wound up totally burned (which of course didn't show up till we got home). So the day was mostly just laying around ... the beach was covered .. and I mean covered! - in shells, which was neat. When the sun started to set, the wind which had kept us cool on the beach started to just be cold so we walked back to the Vaporetti, grabbing these huge Gelatos on the way & took the bus back to the city.

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