Saturday, May 22nd, 2004, - Venice, Italy



Suzana left at the break of dawn for Germany this morning ... realized I never got to get a picture of her ... hopefully when she gets home she can scan her pic that she took of the 3 of us & send it to us!
Woke up early to use the net to find a hostel in Florence ... couldn't find one online so we had to go to the phone store nearby to phone some of the ones in our book. Ended up going back to email a hostel to make a reservation ... so we're happy cuz we have our 3 nites booked a reasonably priced place :)
Visited 2 islands today. The 1st one is Burano (no - not Murano the one we went to yesterday). This one is famous for it's lacework done by the fisherman's wives & the colourful houses. All the houses are these crazy different colours ... it's so neat! And of course all sorts of tiny sidestreets that as Geo said "At home this would just be the space b/w two houses" ... but here they're streets w/ names, street signs & doorways coming off of them. Wide enough for one person to walk through!
The next island we went to was Torcello which is nothing much but big fields of overgrown grass, a few restaurants (in one we could see a wedding where the couple was leading a congo line to some traditional Italian music) and then this little sqaure w/ some old churches & statues ... we just sort of walked around checking out the nature of the little island ... then we followed this abondoned path away from the church & along this stagnant stream & then it let out onto this thin pathway that was raised up w/ a lagoon on either side of it ... and then at the end when it reached land again, there was this iron gate in a brick frame to get into a fenced off field (the gate was padlocked) & just inside the fence was a sign saying "The island of future yoga - Torcello". There was barely a building in sight ... just this big field & this gate & sign in the middle of lagoon-nowhere-land. Random.

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