Friday, May 21st, 2004, - Venice, Italy

Breakfast was so easy this morning ... right at the bottom of the stairs by our hotel there is a little bakery & then a fruit/vegetable stand ... so we just grabbed a couple of pastries & some fruit for breakfast ... tasty, affordable & convenient!!!
After eating we boarded the Vaporetti (the public transport here ... big boats in the canals). We took the one that goes down the Grand Canal (the main canal going thru Venice) ... looking at all the nice building fronts & taking in the city. Then we hopped on another Vaporetti line to take us to Murano, the glass island. It's an island famous for their glass making ... every store there is a glass shop ... expect for the odd cafe. We went to the glass museum ... which was a bit of a disappointment ... it had some nice glass pieces to look at, but there was no actual glass making that you could see there. So we asked around & across the street was a place where you could go watch them in the process of making it. Very neat! The guy pumped out this beautiful glass horse in like 2 minutes. Amazing stuff. Pretty much spent the day in & out of the different glass shops, etc.
Walked w/ Suzana to a bar nearby that she heard might be hiring ... then came back to the hostel & ended up staying up till 2:30 in the morning chatting w/ Emilie & Gene the Canadian couple in our room (actually only Emilie's in our room; Gene has to stay in a guy's dorm downstairs & around the corner). But then by the time we decided to go to bed, Gene went to go back to his dorm but discovered b/c it was past curfew he had been locked in ... lol. So poor him & Emilie had to squish into the little single cot/bed in our room. Bet that wasn't comfy!

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