Tuesday, May 18th, 2004, - Cannes, France

So today was our daytrip to Cannes & it was bustling b/c the Cannes Film Festival is on. However, no celebrity sightings for us :( People started lining up to watch the red carpet at 1 in the afternoon & we weren't interested in spending the afternoon guarding out a spot to watch from for the evening.
The first thing we did was walk down to the beach (which is a great sandy beach unlike the rocky beach in Nice). Spent a couple of hours laying there before getting up to take a stroll along the boardwalk. It's very busy b/c there's a ton of hotels lining the way & all the Festival stuff is set up along there too. We saw this girl walking ahead of us who looked just like Pamela Lee Anderson only thinner; her clothes, makeup, hair, big boobs were just like Pam. And what was even more amusing than just watching her was watching guys gawk (and they were not subtle!) at her .... lol. We also saw a bunch of photoshoots going on ... one was of a bunch of bikini-clad girls wearing sashes (sp?) w/ their country written across. They were being paraded down the boardwalk & stopped every hundred feet or so for another photo op.
Spent some more time on the beach & walked along some pedestrian areas w/ little shops & restaurants & stuff.
In the evening they show a movie on the beach for the public ... you can get passes for free at the tourist office during the day. The have this screen that's set up on scaffolding out in the water & they set up beach chairs w/ blankets for you to sit on & watch from. We saw Hair. But we had to leave early to catch the last train back to Nice for the nite. We only got to see up to the point where Berger is trying to convince Claude to leave the base for a couple of hours to hang out w/ them ... so if anyone remembers what happens after that, please email me to tell me how the story ends :)
And anyone who's actually bothering to read my little updates ... please feel free to email me ... I love to hear what's going on at home!!!!
I miss everyone!

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