Sunday, May 16th, 2004, - Nice, France

Another gorgeous day, but Geo & I decided to stay away from the beach & let our burns subside a little. We took a walk away from the waterfront, so deeper into the city. Saw plenty more hotels (they're everywhere here) & some of the fancier looking buildings (the rich end of town I guess). When we reached the park in Cimiez we discovered there was a little fair going on. It's called the May festival & there were food booths, little rides for kids, lots of families picnicing & performances of traditional song & dance.
So after walking around the fair a little, we checked out the archaeological museum which is right next to the park (the museums were free today!). It wasn't the most thrilling, but out the back of the museum you could check out site of old ruins of the old Baths from the 1st to 3rd century. Pretty neat.
We then took a long slow walk back towards the waterfront & made our way to the Human Paleontological museum - Terra Amata site. It's the site where the first hunters (homo erectus I think it was) made camp on the shores of the sea way back when. They had info displays showing the different tools they had discovered at the site & dioramas showing what the camp would have looked like, etc. Then we walked around the port checking out all the rich, fancy houseboats & we sat up on a ledge overlooking the port to rest for a while.
Geo & I treated ourselves to dinner out ... so we went up to the restaurant at the corner for supper & a beer :)

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