Tuesday, May 11th, 2004, - Barcelona, Spain

Today it rained all day. Ew!
Trekked over to the train station first thing today in order to book a train to the South of France only to find out that the French railway is on strike from Wed. to Thurs. morning & that we´ll have to go back tomorrow to find out if we can book tix yet.
Today was a museum day. We started off w/ the Museu de l´Érotica Barcelona. Had some fairly provocative stuff & some old Kama Sutra type drawings & sculptures from centuries ago from all different cultures. Kinda´ neat ... and also kinda´ strange to be standing in a room looking at some of this next to a total stranger.
We then spent a long time walking b/c the wax museum was closed for lunch & we walked all the way to the chocolate museum to find out it´s closed on Tuesdays :( So we walked back to the wax museum which had reopened by then. They had lots of Spanish people we didn´t know, but some good replicas of people we did recognize as well as a really bad model of Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman.
Stopped for lunch & then headed back to Sue´s to get out of our soaking wet clothes and shoes :S
. . . .

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