Tuesday, May 4th, 2004, - Madrid, Spain

Walked over to the local dept. store this morning to mail some stuff & get breakfast. Then walked over to the Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza which was really neat b/c they start w/ paintings from 1200 or so & then you walk thru the building in chronological order so that you start w/ all the religious paintings & end w/ Dali & Lichtenstein. Pretty neat to have all those years in one gallery.
After the museum we spent a while just sitting in the sun in a park ... geo dozing (she´s sick & so feelign a little extra tired) & me peoplewatching & thinking. Nice to just sit & relax somewhere!
Our hostel is in a great location - b/c all the sights & things we want to do are w/in walking distance.
Went to an all-you-can-eat buffet for dinner ... but was kinda´disappointed ... I wanted to sample all sorts of different Spanish foods so that I could say I had tried all sorts of stuff & to see what I really liked ... & the buffet was salad, pizza & some lame pasta ... the best part was the chocolate ice cream for dessert! Gotta´get me to a Tapas bar or something soon .. wanna try the tortilla de patatas or whatever that Sue keeps raving about - sounds so good!

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