Monday, May 3rd, 2004, - Madrid, Spain

Arrived in Spain after 16 hours on the train! Phew. Slept ok I suppose for not having a bed. Geo & I were convinced we´d crossed into Spain much earlier than we actually had b/c the landscape was dotted w/ houses that looked classically spanish: white stucco type of thing w/ an orange roof. Once we actually did get into spain, the landscape was all trees & mountains with random towns & cities that seemed to be just plopped down in the middle of nowhere! Finished my book on the train (not sure if I´ll be able to pick up a new one - either french or english - here in madrid b4 the next train ride tho) & so I wound up watching the movie "U-boat" in Spanish ... excellent ;)
Picked a hostel that came highly recommended by my book: it´s super pretty & affordable, but deserted of people ... there´re people staying there - we can hear them - but we never see them. There´s no common area or anything to hang out in, so we leave our door open to see if we can meet anyone. So we´ve learned one lesson - if the place doesn´t look to busy, just pay one nite & then pay for the rest once you know you like it ... I mean, there´s nothing wrong w/ this place, but it´s missing a few things we would like: kitchen, common room, other people to meet!
Walked around a bit, getting acquainted w/ the neighbourhood. Bought sandwhich fixings at the grocery store for dinner. Spent most of the evening just hanging out in our room watching spanish tv & european CNN (yes - we have TVs, but no social life).
It´s amazing how lost you can feel just b/c of a language barrier ... simple questions that you never think should be a problem are all of a sudden the hugest undertaking just to get an answer. The hostel owner is hilarious b/c she keeps rambling on in spanish at break-neck speed & she totally knows that we have no clue what she´s saying. I catch maybe one or two words each time ... but I´m picking up a few things ... sorta´ :)

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