Tuesday, April 27th, 2004, - London, England

So today started off w/ really touristy stuff. Ok ... the whole day was really touristy stuff! We walked to Buckingham Palace & watched the changing of the guard (kinda' boring, but one of those things that's so classically London). We made sure to take some pics of ourselves standing w/ the guards (so cheesy). Then we took a double-decker bus tour of the city which was a really great way to see the sights that are out of the way from where we're staying.
On the walk home we stopped at Hamley's - it's a 7 storey toy store!!! Craziness. We must have spent a good hour there looking at all the toys.
We picked up some cheap tickets to see Fame (the musical) ... so Geo & I got dressed up (i.e. put on our sarongs) & walked over the the theatre. We managed to get stuck in a torrential downpour of a thunderstorm. So we show up at the theatre looking like drowned rats. We had to ring our skirts ou in the bathroom just to be able to walk in them. We had tickets way back in the 2nd last row, but the theatre got flooded by the rainstorm & all the seating was bumped around & somehow we ended up in row J (instead of T where our tickets were) ... so that was great. And the show was awesome ... I just love Fame. Then on the way home some guy in the street says to Geo "Wow ... you are sexy!!" Lol .. we had a good laugh & kept walking. What about me, eh? Guess I'm just not sexy enough ;)
Then we spent a while talking to another traveller at the hostel who was from Bangladesh. Really interesting person ... it's really neat to talk to these people who live completely different lifestyles from us!
How did your last exam & first day of work go, sweetie? I love you!

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