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Kitsune Arksent

** Kit's best friend Guy has recently been turned into a demon as consequences of removing the soulstaff crystal of valor hidden within Guy. Kit was mortally wounded by Guy the Soulles, then saved by the Goddess Ark who charged him with a holy quest. Kit has now devoted his entire life to serving the Goddess Ark. * * *Standing before you is a human of 5' 11", and you might guess his wieght to be 160lbs. Kit is a bartender (for the Silver Star Inn). Although not overly handsome his black hair is thick and misbehaving, yet luxurious. At his hip there is a hilt of some kind of sword, not thick enough to be a longsword, but definitely long enough (appears one handed, a saphire adorns the pommel(the sword that is)). Concealed in his boot lies a dirk. Hazel eyes shine with a cool confidence, though easily angered and most often does stupid things when angry. His anger can be subsided and his opinions are easily changed with a few logical facts. He does things for his own reasons, but tries to help people out (when motivated). ** He was born with Ambidexterity, and has trained throughout his life in fighting, he is neither the best, nor the worst of fighting, more like a bard (enriched in many forms, master in none). ***history. WOULDN"T YOU LIKE TO KNOW?
