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Oaxaca, March 2002

The beautiful Casona Del Llano. Lunch at Casona Del Llano.
Church in downtown Oaxaca. Back of church.
Peter celebrating his birthday. Peter, Joslyn and Zella.
Quick banana stop. Rush hour on the way to Zipolite.
Mountain town. Yoga master Brigitte and her guests.
Snacking on the beach in Zipolite. You need some rest after good ceviche.
Iskander and Dorada. Peter playing photographer with the local kids.
After a nice, long walk down the beach dinner was found. Bird's-eye view of Joslyn's pizza.
Our meal companion, Nicholas. A performance around the fire right in front of the restaurant.
A short walk up the hill led to this temple. Joy and Joslyn.
A pretty little hut. Joy in the big hammock.
Joslyn in hammock. Kevin in hammock.
Peter in hammock. Joy in hammock.
Back in Oaxaca in time for dinner.

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