Jessica's Universe: Catnip: Big Cats: Jaguars

Panthera onca

Body Size: Length 63 - 103", Weight Males average 122 lbs, females average 80 lbs, Height 26.5 - 29"

Location/Range: Mexico, Central and South America down to northern Argentina. Jaguars used to inhabit the southwestern part of the U.S., but have disappeared from here since 1950.

Diet: Jaguars eat fish, turtles, caimans, and snakes as well as deer, sloths, capybaras, monkeys, and armadillos.

Reproduction: 1 - 4 cubs born after a 90 - 100 day gestation. Sexually mature at 2 - 4 years. Live 12-16 years.

Coloring/Features: Their yellow fur is marked with black rosettes surrounding a central spot. Also black jaguars with dark spots.

- The jaguar is often confused with the leopard. You can tell the difference by looking closely. In general, the jaguar coat has larger rosettes in smaller numbers. The rosettes usually are darker, have thicker lines, and enclose smaller spots. The leopard coat has smaller, more faint rosettes in larger numbers. Leopard rosettes usually don't enclose spots (to better understand, click here.

- Black jaguars occur, but don't confuse them with panthers, which are actually leopards.