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Jason X Video Clips

You need the latest virsion do real player to view these files.

I took the preciouse time out of my preciouse life to present to you all these video clips so i appreciate it if you do not take them and use them for your own site. Thank you and have a nice day

Jason's first brawl
Jason is demasked for a quick second
Jason's most creative kill
Jason kills Stoney
Jason kills Asrael and Dallas
Jason kills a grunt
Jason kills another grunt
Jason kills yet another grunt
Jason guessed it..another grunt
Jason is shown to his demise via Kay-Em
Uber Jason shows himself
Jason kills crutch(yeah i know this ones kinda out of order
Uber Jason gets his revenge
Uber Jason pimpen the Grendel
Uber Jason has a taste of home
Uber Jason sleeping bag bashing
Brodski Confronts Uber Jason
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