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DaWestsideCrypt's Profile

I like Cheese, Star Wars, SURFING (which is my life), dancing,~JULIE~(my hun), Sublime, 311, all almost all rap.

3 Tightest Movies
1)Star Wars (Eps. II)
3)Old School

Drazzle - Wuzza ladies man, you know you are! If your reading this Ryan, of course your about to play C-Strike since your som much above StarCraft. If Chris is their and reading this tell him he is a big computer geek too. Aight late dog, shout me a holla.

Jackson G - Wut up my nigga, pippin aint easy and you know it. Yeah right. Sup foo you probably not doin your homework and gettin bad grades and will not be able to read this because you will be grounded from your computer.

Jules - Hey georgeous, you know I luv ya. Why are you so cute!?! Anyways wuts up, if your reading this you must be pretty bored talking to me. We won the water baloon fight so just accept it so that I dont have to keep reminding you. When we goin to the beach again so I can show you how to surf?! If Cynthia is their "HI CYNTHIA, YOU LIKE RYAN AND YOU KNOW IT!!!" lol. Late

Marie - Hey Marie, YOUR AWSOME!!! I owe you big time. Your the best, I'm waitin for Jules to get online like usual and if you ever catch a snake remember to always say NAZI TITTIES!!

Dez - Hey beach babe, wus happinin, me keepin it real, you most likely thinkin of Micheal. Remember if you wait you'll be happy cuz... aint no mountain high, aint no river wide, enouph for you two. lol late.

N355 - Hey wut up, your always online cuz you got nuttin better to do! LOL, well I dont talk to you much anymore so just need to start your homework so STOP READING THIS GET OFF YOUR COMPUTER!!!

Missy - Hey Abby (LOL) how ya doin, well sis I dont need advice right now (for once) you never gunna read this because your too busy getting with guys so why am I even writing this. ok I'll stop.

Jeromie My Homie - Sup PHAT PHILIPENO, told you I would have you in my profile, for two reasons. 1) your FAT, and 2) your Philipeno, Naw jk, every one loves you, and keep pimpin it. P.S. WE DONT RIDE BIKES!!!

Kayvan - YOU ARE THE CRAZIEST PERSON I HAVE EVER MET. You need to hook it up with Vanessa (a.k.a N355). Keep it real holmes.Stay away from puff the majic dragon. Late.

Roxy - Hi Roxy wut's happenin, probably watchin Spongebob cuz it's so flippin funny!! OH well you know when you get a little older then the guys will be on you like gravy on mashed potatoes (lol good metaphor huh)unless you like butter on it then you would be like butter on ..... nevermind you get the picture. TTYL.