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                                                                                    YOUTH ASSOCIATION


                                                     To train students in the philosophy of Krishna consciousness, its
                                       universal applicability especially to the present day generation, its profound
                                      depth along with logic & reasons.

                                                     To train students to become preachers of Sanatana Dharma.

                                                     To develop personality and build up character of youth, to give a real
                                       meaning to their lives, to live a God-centred life of purity and dedication with
                                       love and trust amongst one another.

                                                      To identify the talents in youth, and dovetail their talents for the
                                       service of God.

                                                       To render the most noble service of jnana-dana (the gift of
                                       knowledge), distributing the sublime message of the Vedas through spiritual book
                                       distribution at subsidised prices for youth.

                                                     To represent issues concerning  youth at ISKCON Leadership meetings
                                      and to report back the results to the youth.

                                                     To formulate proposals for the benefit of said youth to be incorporated
                                      into ISKCON Law by GBC resolution.

                                                      To organize reunions and other group activities for those youth, centered
                                      around Krishna conscious activities, such as festivals, camp-outs, picnics, bus
                                      tours, gurukuli harinamas, etc.

                                                       To teach how to practice the science of Pure Love of God, which is the
                                      real goal of life, which alone can situate every living being back in his
                                      constitutional position of being the eternal servant of God in the Kingdom of

                                                         Hare krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare !!
                                                                 Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare !!