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    I hate to say it but this clan has been going down hill and has hit rock bottom.  Snipergod87 and I have realized this and have decided to find another clan, but being your leaders and all we're attempting to find another clan for all of us.  The clan we're possibly joining is the RED clan, right now I'm still getting info from Snipergod87 to see if everyone from our clan can join RED.  In the meantime check out their site


    The turn out for that clan match wasn't too pleasing, now I know not all of you check the website or Game Spy so next time I will e-mail all of you the info.  And next time I'll be sure I can stay longer.  I need those profiles and some new screen shots/images, when I get the chance I'll put a few more screen shots up but I need more from you guys.  I put up another think if that matters :P


    Created a clan matches/ practices page, check it out and let me know when you want to have a match.  Well looks like I've gotta go out searching again for a new hit counter *sigh*


    Well apparently Jitter left our clan, still getting updates about that.  Sooooo when do you guys wanna have clan matches or when would they fit into your schedule.  If anyone can host a server let me know, I would but I can't, long story.  Send me those profiles guys and gals!!!  I know I've been lazy, but I still need input from you guys.


    New skin by Dark, added Dark's profile, got a little issues with a program long story full image of him isn't up yet.  Anyway not much going on, everybody try and get more members and send me your profiles!!!


    Not too much going on, same old same old, school and homework preventing me from doing fun things.  Be sure to send me screen shots, art, profiles and etc, see older news for exactly what I need, specifically 10-6-02.  Updated the gallery and put up Sniper Sakura's picture, sorry had to retire some screens.  Also added a link to the links page.  Ah I almost forgot, Snipergod87 is on a recruiting rampage, we have another new member [A2Z]Logyp, welcome!  We're going strong at 20 members now but we could use more.  I'm liking this clan art section, thanks to Sniper Sakura for the great idea, if any of you would like to sne me some clan art or other drawings of whatever you like I can put it up in the clan art section in the gallery.  Final note: I'd like some feedback on the site, how am I doing???  Any suggestions? E-mail me at   2nd final note, added my profile to the member section., plz check it out and send me your version of it, thanks!


    Sorry guys, won't be able to play any games or update the website this weekend, going hunting from Friday-Tuesday.  Be sure to send me screen shots, art, profiles and all that jazz, see older news for exactly what I need.


    Reorganized the gallery and added a clan art section to the gallery, feel free to send screen shots and art to   That's my e-mail address that can hold a ton of mail, unlike my stupid hotmail account.


    Wow its been a while since I updated the site.  Ok we have 3 new members and one who left.  Our former leader Never Again has left , but we gained 4 new members.  Please welcome [A2Z]astv, [A2Z]Obelix, [A2Z]SniperSakura and [A2Z]phoenix490 to our clan!  I updated the members page and what not.  I also put up a few more screen shots.  Oh [A2Z]SniperSakura suggested I start a chat (dunno if that's possible on Front Page but I'll give it a shot), a clan art section (very good idea), add some music (music will slow this site down a lot for those 56ker's so don't know about that either) and a section with a list of clan matches.  [A2Z]SniperSakura is also going to create another clan site I believe.  I'll see what I can do with all the suggestions, but I need to know when you guys want to have clan matches.  Also for the members section I'd like to get maybe a picture and profile from everybody so people can know who's in this clan.  New stuff happening, school and stuff permitting.  


    Stupid school, I can feel myself slowly loosing sleep each day.  Anyway I got a new hit counter, haven't looked into the forum stuff yet, homework has had me swamped with work.  Hope everything is going good with all the members.  Which reminds me Never Again decided to leave the clan, sorry to loose you man!  Also I put up a few more screen shots from cs, I need some more screens guys, running out of ideas :P  Be sure to send me some.


    Well I got a new hit counter, still need to take a look at the forum building stuff.