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The Following is a small sampling of some of my writings and rituals. Some from early on, and some very recent. Most have appeared in Behutet, the journal of Thelemic Magick and Culture put out by Thelesis Camp in Philadelphia. Enjoy. 

Interview with Simon, editor of the Necronomicon
An interview with Simon, the eastern orthodox priest behind the Necronomicon. This was the first anyone had heard from Simon in 20 years.

The Transvocation of Samjaza-Azazel
A ritual to simultaneously invoke and evoke the Ruler of the Grigori

The Cauldron of Calling
An early version of a ritual that calls a Magisillus into a specially consecrated cauldron

Tips for the Mall Bookstore Magician: A Streamlined Watchtower Ritual

Who the hell is the Enoch guy anyway?

Why not Invoke Superman?