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My friend Andre and I on one of our frequent cappuccino expeditions to Thamel.

The Milk Baba and I. He is a very approachable Sadhu and we really hit it off right before the end of my trip. He asked me to come back and to study mantra under him, unfortunately I was leaving in less than a week. "No, matter" he said, "I will come and see you in the states". He took my address and phone number. A few weeks after being home I had a very vivid dream in which he came to me dressed as Shiva and taught me a breath meditation and a mantra.


For three days I sat at the burning ghats in Pashupatinath and meditated on impermenence by watching the burning of the bodies. This is an experience that I count as one of the most profound mystical operations one can undertake. The picture of the single burning body above sits on my altar at home along with photos of my Gurus. This corpse is perhaps the most important Guru I ever had contact with.

They have the best holiday in India and Nepal. Its called Holi. Basically its a continent wide water fight. Dont go outside on holi if you dont want to get wet and covered in red powder. These kids had just previously attacked a Khenpo that I knew, soaking him completely, and I just had to take their photo.

Me with Chokyi Trichen, one of the oldest Sakyapa lamas. He was a teacher of the current Dalai Lama.

Leaping Monkeys.

Got Meat? Got Flies?

A Yogi who lives near the Asura Cave in Pharping.