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HuNgRy aLiEn

This is my new webpage and stuff. Nothing really exciting. Some stuff is just to keep here as my new storage place.

If profanity (example, the "fuck" word) offends you please leave. I have a foul mouth sometimes, so don't say I didn't warn you.

My website is best viewed with msntv. I'll probably be updating it often with a bunch of stupid stuff. I don't know.

Dear Web surfers, Family, Friends, Pedophiles,

My website is STILL a work in progress. I have a little bit of everything done but not everything done for one thing? If you wanna check out what I have.. My stuff is listed below. If you have any questions or comments, I guess you can e-mail me at come back again soon. I'm probably going to add, move, delete, or create new things monthly. thanks.

Love, Beanie

¸•Take a tour threw Beanie's Garden State.
•Beanie Reads True Crime Stories.
•Beanie wants own tv show.
•Beanie Quits Reading True Crime stories.
•Beanie's Frequently Visited Websites.
•Beanie's Newest Update speech.
•Beanie's Poetry™