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01/09/03 - I think this is quite cool. If you like this effect, feel free to send me any pictures you might want to 'lakify' and I'll do it for you, free. 'Cause I'm nice like that.

25/07/03 - If anyone has any pictures they feel would be appropriate for the site, please feel free to email me them at Small prizes may be awarded. Although this site costs nothing to either run or maintain, monetry donations would also be appreciated.

02/07/03 - Even more new pics! Click here to view the additions. There will be more in the future but possibly not this regularly. I do have many more pictures but it takes ages to add them due to the method used. I cant get my head round frames unfortunalely. Enjoy looking at the pics which I will update soon, and play the games!

01/07/03 - As promised, new pictures have been added to the site. Click here to see them.

24/06/03 - A new picture section has been added to the site, you can access it by clicking here.

14/06/03 - I can't remember the last time updated this site. I only know when it was because of the date below! I would add a message board but people wouldn't use it because of the one on the Just Gone Home website. One day, when I'm in a band... Anyway, keep sendin' me high scores and playin' the games!

28/01/03 - I have tried to modify the site so it loads quicker by using frames. This is not working so far. If anyone knows anything useful about frames, please e-mail me. Also, i have had comments asking me how to access the games. Click in the damn box! Some people are so stupid!

06/01/03 - I do know that the game 'Pong' doesn't work. E-mails commenting on that fact are hardly likely to change it, are they? If I could do something about it, I would have, ok? Honestly...

02/01/03 - Please vote in the poll, it means a lot to me.

17/12/02 -As you may have guessed, this is my new site. I figured the old one was two flashy and amateur, so i have tried to come up with something a little more...professional. If you don't like it and you preferred the old site, I don't care. Get your own. However, if you do have any suggestions about improvements to this site, then either e-mail me at or post a message on the Just Gone Home message board. If you are browsing...well anywhere really and you see a game you would like included on the site - please contact me. If the game is not in SWF format then it won't work - even if it is written in flash. If anyone is interested in owning a site, if you would like one designing a small fee can be arranged. I can't promise that it will actually be any good though. I do hope to update this site and add more games regularly, so you won't get bored.

One more thing - enjoy the games!

Oh, and if anyone can think of a better title it would be appreciated - I know that 'Jeux' is...interesting...but it was the only suggestion offered. Click the link above to view the poll; a small prize may be awarded to the winner. Also, if anyone gets a decent score on any of the games e-mail me. I will put your name and score on the highscore page. Isn't that nice?

To play the games, you will need Macromedia Flash Player 6. Click hereto download it. You will also need to have java enabled on your browser.