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I had to change my main graphic since Cloones didn't like the babies. And Cloones is the master. *cowers in fear*

NEW! as of 9/16/05 Okay, I realize that my webpage is a little out of date (a year or two) and that its definitely time to change it around a bit. I will slowly be adding some things, deleting some things, and just doing some general rearrangement. It will be slow, however, since I still have to put my school work first, but I'll be here in my spare time. Now that I finally got my diaryland template just how I want it, I don't have anything to tweak anymore, and so my attention has shifted back here. You can take a look at my Diaryland Diary while I fix this place up! I also finally caved and got an lj. You can see that here. In the meant time check out my links or play around with the kitty in the corner.

And here is a page I created during election time. This shows Jenny's theory on Norm Coleman very clearly. Beware! What you're about to see could shock you. A secret identity has been discovered!


And here's one to a webpage of one of the most funny and precious people in the whoooooooole world. That's right, John Milton. Just kidding, its Cuvz, and she's da shyt, and if anyone is saying something bad about her, you better watch it cuz I WILL come through this screen to beat you to a pulp. Or, I'll just whip out the salamanders. Yeah, bet you're confused now. But you should be scared, cuz those salamanders mean pain. And LOTS of it. And if you're thinking something bad, I'll give you one more chance to retract that, or its the salamanders for you!!!! *threatening look*

Cuv's Page

And here's one to the wonderful and most talented girl in the whooooooooooole world. That's right: Cloonez!!!!! (I'm not a smart alleck alllll the time!) Watch what you think and say about her too, cuz the salamanders guard the three of us, and tragedy will find all those who threaten us. Mwahahahahahaha!!!

Cloonez's Page

Dude. I now have a rough draft link page. I had a plan to make one, but haven't found the energy or time to compile a list. However, someone e-mailed me a URL to a really funny page today, so I've decided to slowly start making my link page. Right now there's only that one link on there, but enjoy it anyway. Not for the humor-challenged.

The links

And here we have the strange and mysterious meeting of certain agents. This happened late one night, and the names have not been changed, because no one is innocent. Right now its on Cloones's page. I wanted it on mine, but she beat me to it, so you'll have to go there. She's more creative than I am anyway, so... If it gets confusing, bear with it, it'll all make sense in the end. If you're X-File obsessed, it will make sense sooner.


Here's a page that's describes who I am... sort of.

Random stuff

You know that saying "cool beans?"

Cool Beans

Check it out! Its a battle between EVIL and... EVIL! It will be updated better later.

The battle

A flower for all of my friends who have been there for me, and who I can't seem to appreciate enough!