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My Photo and Poems


FREEDOM AT LAST! Once lost in turmoil now set free. Once bogged down in confusions now floating free and clear. Once a non-believer now believing again. Once angry at the world now free to be at peace. Once believed love was pain now know it is not. Know love is all facets, all shapes. Once hated oneself, now love oneself. Knowing I am clever, pretty, sensitive, kind, smart, shy, understanding, loving, beautiful inside and out. Letting go of the pain, anger, bitterness. Accepting who I am. Know it is not my fault for other peoples sickness, nor can I change or help them. I am free to be who I am. Loved for me by the ones who love and accept me as I am. Loving fully as I can, not wanting to hurt people. No longer lost in myself but letting myself be me. No more regrests. Starting to trust again, know not everyone is untrustworthy. Little lost frightened girl is gone. Replaced by a woman who knows freedom and is at peace with who she is. W/B Kelly Little 10/4/99 copyright 2002


Maturing! Loving Learning Living Letting go. That is a part of life. Maturing Understanding Listening Patience That comes with age. Loss of Youth Loss of Innocence Loss of Confidence Loss of trust That is what can happen. Trusting again Confidence found That is a part of growing. Learning to love ones self Learning to be you Learning to laugh and love Learning to live That comes with experience. Letting go of the pain Letting go of the anger forgiving Looking to the future That comes with finding yourself. To live is to Experience life. To learn is to make mistakes. To love is to love ones self first. Believe in yourself and trusting yourself Helps you to believe in and trust others. Life can be pain, anger, fear. Life can also be laughter, love, understanding. This is what life brings. Growing, maturing as you go along. No longer a child But a woman. A woman that wont be silenced. A woman that wont be dominated. A woman who realizes who I am. Facing the things I fear. Standing up to the ones that would seek to control me. Learning to let it all go and be me. That is what life teaches. written by Kelly Little 1-29-01 copyright 2002