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Tell Me If You've Heard This One...


UPC 5051813251481

Tell Me If You've Heard This One...	 
 Mastered July 28, 2013

1. The Black Forming on the Grey 
2. Standing Bears 
3. A Mother's Love 
4. You 
5. Infest Me 
6. Beloved
7. Purple Monkeia 
8. Aluminum 
9. Chromium 
10. Zinc 
11. Mercury
12. Cobalt 
13. Nickel 
14. Rains 
15. Julie 
16. Nuke 
17. Forever Evers
18. Girl with the Red & Black Bag	 
19. Amber 
20. Echo

The Black Forming on the Grey

Dripping words fall from,
The vacant eyed madman,
He speaks the language,
Few can understand


What more can I say,
You think everything’s okay,
And I don’t want to feel this way,
The black forming on the grey.

Take these letters that I wrote you,
Take these lines that I have wronged,
Take the ideas falling from shadow,
I know where I belong.

Sad eyes reaching beyond the sea,
Calling me to their home,
Breaking waves crash over me,
Drowning empty in the soul.

Standing Bears

Eternally Confused,
Instrumentally shed in,
Choke on your D Minor Pie,
Your Platinum was just Tin.

The music still escapes you,
Your Rhythms fall out of time,
The Brothership's been Compromised,
The Water's Icy Rhyme.

(Chorus) And I don't know if you care,
As you start your next big show,
The dreams we shared still lie there,
Beneath the fallen snow.

Your ego has replaced you,
There is no room for me,
The Horse is so damn Tired,
Poisoned by the Hemlock Tea.

(Chorus) And I don't know if you care,
As you start your next big show,
The dreams we shared still lie there,
Beneath the fallen snow.

They say Time Will Heal Our Wounds,
But we'll never see Eye to Eye,
You have not bled for your words,
Your prophesy of lies.

(Chorus) And I don't know if you care,
As you start your next big show,
The dreams we shared still lie there,
Beneath the fallen snow.

A Mother’s Love

My mother you’ll always be,
Your warming love surrounds me,
You gave me theses eyes so I could see,
A mother’s love is free.

My mother shows me the way,
To enjoy each day,
You make the pain go away,
A mother loves everyday.

I may still fear change,
But your love still remains,
To guide me through the night,
A mother’s love is light.

My mother you’ll always be,
Your warming love surrounds me,
With theses eyes I can see,
My mother loves me.


You, you’ve got the world around you,
You, you’ve got no chains around you, 
And I, I wish I had your life,
Wouldn’t that be nice.

Your friends, your money, your car, your world is you,
Your cash is trash , soon to be ash as could be you and  

Your boat, your coat your every little thing you 
ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever  Want 

Why, why couldn’t I be you,
Why, why couldn’t I be you,
Why, why couldn’t I be you,
Why, why couldn’t I be you.

Infest Me 

Infest me, with your greed,
Break me, till I bleed,     
Sell me, it’s a need.          
Infest me again 

Nothing, gets you nothing,
Everything seems to have a price,
Something , always something,
How much is paradise?

Infest me, greed set in,
Break me, passed the bend, 
Sell me, there’s no end 
Infest me again


My beloved dance with me,  
here in the darkness, 
we find each other again.

Though I know we can never be, 
this fleeting moment, 
shows me eternity. 

(chorus)My beloved dance with me, 
so all will be right again,
my heart remains with thee,  
even after the bitter end.-

I can't believe death took you, 
away from me, 
leaving me here all alone.

Here in the darkness again we can be, 
one as we were, 
oh so long ago. (chorus)

My beloved thou hast found me, 
here in the darkness, 
lost in each other again...

Purple Monkeia

Oh bananaful,
for monkey skies,
for all the bananas to gain,
for purple monkey majesties,
above the fruited terrain.
Purple Monkeia
Purple Monkeia
May the sunshine light on thee,
through the thickest of wood,
with monkeyshiphood,
from tree to swinging tree...

good job singing...
thank you, thank you...


My aluminum pendulum gets closer everyday, 
I'm trying not to get hooked, 
but it's so pretty the way,
back and forth it sways,
that the danger was completely overlooked. 

There is not much left to admire,
with hope locked in a case,
nothing left, but to expire,
when you have no fire,
and everything true has been erased.

I can't hear the dove sing,
I've already been pinned,
strangled with strings,
no longer guided by wings,
just lost in the wind.

You say I'll stay afloat,
but these ears aren't convinced,
hiding in my  coat,
from a world that wants my throat,
haven't been the same since.

What was once so clear,
has left me only to mourn,
I have no tear,
this heart has been seared,
burning, scorched in scorn...


Bright lights screaming about you,
all the colors,
dancing for you.

Loving arms around you,
but all the care,
wasn't for you.
Poisoned drinking sorrow,
this tired heart is worn,
losing my tomorrow,
was I ever born?


Will the ink on my fingers,  
ever come off someday?
I think it'll still linger,
no matter what you say. 

(chorus)And so the harbinger sings, 
relying on twisted rhymes,   
but choking on the ginger, 
the harbinger simply dies.-- 

Addicted to the promise,  
there's an end to confusion, 
there's something I missed,  
because it's all an illusion.(
May the rain cleanse you, 
no matter what you do,  
it's to bad it's acid, 
eating right on through... 


Quickly, quickly,  wither when way,
quickly, quickly,  super sam say,
quickly, quickly, pretty penny pay,
quickly, quickly, dead dime day.
One, two, three, four,
what is all the hurry for?
five, six, seven, eight,
speedy, speedy, don't be late,
nine, ten,
run out of time again.--

How much faster can you go,
when you've run out of steam,
does anyone really know,
if there's any time to dream?

You've lost the race, 
no time to cry, 
you've lost your place,  
no time to die...


It wasn't my fault, 
it was a thing to ignore,  
my heart was in a vault,                 
when you closed the door.   

Finding the warmth in metal,
isn't that easy to do, 
like the death of every petal, 
drowning in the dew...


Nickel angel show your pastel face,
bundle me in your warm embrace,
soft and sweet melting the cast off sleet,
you strive to be alive again.

(chorus)Dance the dance of ages,
your lips form a smirk,
your bible's lost it's pages,
and in my back sticks a dirk.--

Alas, my love, you do me wrong,
life was to have clarity,
in the shadows we walk along,
joined hand and hand in conformity.(chorus)

Nickel angel do you still have any worth?
you weren't meant for this Earth...


Rains came down, 
and the skies turned gray,
rains came down, 
and washed my hopes away. 

(chorus)I can hear the faint screams,  
raise to the sky, 
as we lost our dreams, 
and the will to fly.--

When the rains came down,
we slept so sound,
never knew the pain,
but who's to blame?

Rains came down,
and everyone cried,
rains came down,
and I just sighed...


Julie I've finally found joy,
but now help me to understand,
why is there this space between us,
and why are we not hand in hand?

Thought I knew everything to know,
I really didn't know what was true,
but now I see, Julie, it's you and me,
I've never felt this way before you.

I need to be lost in your long brown hair,
Julie just make there be no more maybe,
say you need me and will never let go,
all I can promise is eternity.

Day after day I wait here for you,
please tell me what I have to do,
save me because I need you, Julie,
part of me is missing with out you.

Then I feel you on my shoulder,
Julie be the one to save me,
from this emptiness in my heart,
I love thee forever Julie...


(For the first Final Fantasy fans out there)

(chorus)In Lefein you can buy what your heart desires,
burning, burning atomic fires,
burn right to it,
scorch right through it,
oh just nuke it all away.--

Flames that yell,
the most powerful spell,
give you the gift of hell,
it's just a soul to sell.(chorus)

Stand big and tall,
60,000 gold is all,
hear the pyro call,
to nuke away it all.(chorus)

Who gave you this power,
to make men cower,
change night into day,
as you nuke it all away...

Forever Evers

(chorus) Forever Evers, for us to sing,
forever evers, love will bring,
forever evers, endless ring.--

Forever smiles, to make you glad,
forever thoughts, to run free,
life is evers to be.

Forever dreams, before you wake,
forever laughter, to make you see,
life is evers to be. (chorus)

Forever skies, I'd paint for you,
forever you, before me,
we are evers to be.

Forever you,
and forever me,
are evers that will always be,

forever you and me...


(chorus)Girl with the red bag,
you're all I really need,
no matter where you're going,
I'll always follow your lead.--

As I stare into your eyes,
I wonder what is your name,
if you don't want to tell me,
just smile it's all the same.

Girl with the red bag,
you lead and I will follow,
fill this tunnel in my heart,
so deep and hollow.

As I stare into your eyes,
oh girl with the red bag,
I am lost, so lost,
oh girl with the red bag.(chorus)

Saga poo,
oh girl with the red bag,
saga poo,
oh girl with the red bag...


(chorus)Girl with the black bag,
my love has grown cold (old),
what was new (warm) and alive,
has now turned old (cold).--

You think I don't see,
laughter on your face,
telling me I've no worth,
putting me in my place.

Girl with the black bag,
who is left to follow?
how was I suppose to know,
you would be hollow?

you think I don't see,
oh girl with the black bag,
how empty you can be,
oh girl with the black bag.

Death is in your bag,
oh girl with the black bag,
death is in your bag,
oh girl with the black bag...


Amber, Amber,
dreams ever with you lie,
dreams are only illusions,
and still the soft tulip dies.

You voice echoes in my mind,
it's always been a sweet sound,
only through my memories,
all that is lost can be found.

I am sealed in my stone tomb,
but I'm free when I'm asleep,
asleep, I can imagine,
you're with me in the hush deep.

I'm adrift on waves of woe,
I wish you could release me,
in forever solitude,
how I hate this empty sea.

I survive on the words of,
I'll see again someday,
you left me to easily,
oh, why did you go away?

Amber, Amber, Why?
dreams ever with you lie,
dreams are only illusions,
and still the soft tulip dies.


In our worlds of glass,
echo desires,
ready to feel again,
the cold soon will pass,
lighting the fires,
ready to burn again.

Lost on a shore,
feelings start to wake,
ready to feel again,
from you I tore,
nothing more to take,
ready to burn again.

Pain learns to sleep,
and the doves sing,
ready to feel again,
must escape from the deep,
with hope as wings,
ready to fly again...

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