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The Story of Us

"My sweet darling wife! Soon we'll be together and starting our new life as one! Just imagine me as a father.. oh boy!"--Ed

"I love my Eddykins soo much! He's the greatest guy I've ever met in my whole life! I'm happy that he's letting me keep him forever. He makes my world goes round!" --Ning

Welcome to Ed and Ning's site!

Well, first off, I guess you're here for one of two reasons:1)You know us and we begged, pleaded with you, and bribed you to come here. Or 2)You're up reeaallyy late and somehow, after hours of endless browsing, found us! (Good for you! It takes alot of clicking to get this lost in cyberspace!)

Anyway, regardless, now you're here, and you might as well make the most of it! You can find out lots of stuff from this site! One, you can find out about each of us, and about us together! (Hence the name of the web page.. it wouldn't be very good if we told you about somebody else, now would it.. :) Speaking of which you can now check out a little bit about us!! Here's some links to our story; His Version and Her Version. If you want to find out a bit about us, just give them a read! Hope you enjoy! Regardless, there's also lots of other cool things to check out. Various links to favorite sites, lots of pics (Man, a digital cam is fun..:), and some other stuff that I haven't thought of yet, but you'll find it. Check it all out, and if I can ever get a guestbook working, sign that, too!

(Hey! Now's there's some links! Woohoo!!)

Ning's Favorite Collection

Ed's Favorite Collection

Ed and Ning's Pics

With Friends and Family

Church Wedding Pics

The Wedding Reception

Honeymooning In Baguio

days before the fun and fireworks begin!!!

Please sign our guestbook!

Send mail to either: Ed Or Ning

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