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DracoBlade Weyr's Dragon Colors!
Golds are the Main egg producers of the Weyr. They're called the High Queens. The eldest High Queen in a Weyr is known as the Senior Queen. If you Impress a Gold, you may become Weyrlady. Whoever's dragon flies the Weyrlady's Gold becomes the next Weyrleader. Golds cannot chew firestone, their riders fight Thread with flamethrowers. Always Female, Impressed only by Females. RARE.
Silvers are known as Junior Queens in the Weyr. They are bested in number of clutches and number of eggs only by Golds. They also cannot chew firestone, and their riders fight Thread with flamethrowers. Always Female, Impressed only by Females. Rare.
Bronzes are the strongest, biggest male dragons in the Weyr. They are usually the ones to fly the High/Senior Queens, and their riders have a decent chance at becoming Weyrleader. Always Male, Impressed only by Males. Medium Rarity.
Browns are medium-sized male dragons. They have a decent chance at flying the High/Senior Queens, and their riders therefore, have a chance at becoming Weyrleader. Always Male, Impressed only by Males. Rather common.
Blues are the smallest Male dragons. They can sometimes fly the Junior Queen(s) but never the High or Senior Queens... They don't have the stamina. Very easygoing. Always Male, can be Impressed by Males or Females. Common.
The smallest Female dragons. Sterile if they chew firestone (which is usually the case). In times of great need of dragonets, one or two my be permitted to take mating flights. Usually chew firestone, however. Always Female, can be Impressed by Females or Males. Common.
An interesting bunch... they are of average size, about like a Brown. They choose their gender at a month of age. Always sterile. Can be Impressed by Females and Males. Common-Rarish.
These dragons can best be described as a combination between the Black dragons and Blue dragons. They fight as well as a Black, and are about the same size/stamina. However, they usually have the temperment of a Blue; very easygoing. Usually. Sometimes they are hyper fighters. They can be either male or female, and are Impressed only by a candidate of their gender. Females become Sterile if they chew firestone. (Just like Greens). If there is great need for dragonets, a few may be permitted to take mating flights. Usually they chew firestone, though. Common-Rarish.
These beauties are very rare. The reason for this is that they are very weak when they're young, and sometimes are unable to hatch. Most have this chameleon-like ability to 'tint' their hide whatever color they wish. This 'power' does not surface until a Turn or so of age. They are Sterile Females, and can be Impressed by Females or Males. VERY rare.
Strong powerhouses of dragons (Almost like a Bronze), once they reach full size. They are great fighters and have a chance like a Brown at flying the High/Senior Queen. They are, however, also very rare. If there are too many Black dragons in one place, they are likely to fight one another. Very protective of their lifemate and his/her friends, and suspicious of strangers. Always Male, can be Impressed by Males or Females. VERY rare.
If a Male dragon is Impressed by a Female, or a Female dragon is Impressed by a Male, that dragon automatically becomes sterile no matter what the color.

The sterility rule that applies to dragons does NOT apply to flits.
As with dragons, they are the ones that produce the most eggs. Called high queens. They are usually calm.
Again, like dragons, they produce the second largest amount of eggs. Called junior queens. Are somewhat tempermental, but love attention.
Fiesty males who are very protective of their owner. Good for those used to pets.
Hyper males who never sit still. Their nose is almost always in someone's business, which tends to get them into lots of trouble. Good for someone who's up for a challenge.
Small, flightly female flits. Can produce a few clutches in their lives.
Mediumish flits. Like their larger cousins, they choose their gender... but at about a week of age. Usually calm, unless riled.
These flits are new, so we do not know if they are rare or common... Word has it that reds are extreme in their tempers... usually either completely crazy or totally calm. Can be male or female.
These flits are very rare. They can mindspeak similar to a dragon, but they have a vocabulary of a 'standard' five year old. Can be female or male. Females can produce one or two clutches in their lives.
The rarest flits of all. Like whites, they can mindspeak, but sound just a little more intelligent. Can be female or male. Females sometimes clutch once.