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what are Allergies? From a Western medical point of view, an allergy is a hyper-reaction of the immune system. In NAET, allergies are viewed from a holistic perspective. Based on Oriental Medical principles, an allergy is a condition in which a person shows heightened sensitivity to one or more substances that are usually harmless to most individuals. In the allergic person, the brain views the allergic substance, (known as an allergen), as a threat to the body's well being. Allergies are the result of energy imbalances in the body and lead to a diminished state of health in one or more body systems. When contact is made with an allergen, it causes blockages in the body's energy pathways (meridians). It disrupts the normal flow of energy through the body's electrical circuits and this blockage causes interference in communication between the brain and the body via the nervous system. Blocked energy flow is the first step in a chain of events that creates an allergic response.

Does a permanent treatment for my health problems really exist? Yes! At last there is freedom from allergies and related diseases and conditions.

I am presently having different treatments. How do these treatments differ from NAET? Nothing in standard medical practice can offer the same hope of permanent health improvement and freedom from allergies as NAET.

How long does this 'clearance' last? In our experience, if a cleared item remains strong to Muscle Response testing 24 hours after the original treatment, it should offer the patient permanent relief from the treated substance.

Will I be completely cured of my allergies? 80-90% of the patients treated by NAET experience complete relief from their allergy symptoms for the items they have cleared in treatment. Most patients report that contact with previously troublesome food or environmental substances no longer cause adverse effects.

How do I find and treat my allergies? Conventional Western Medicine has several methods of testing for allergies. These include the "Intra-dermal test'', Patch test", "Scratch test'', and various blood tests, such as the "Rast test" and the "Eliza test" . These can identify dozens of allergens from one test or from one-blood sample. The standard treatment is drug therapy, either antihistamines or steroids, to control allergic symptoms. Unfortunately, this does not correct the underlying problem and the patient may experience serious, long-term side effects. Until now, the most effective treatment option has been complete avoidance of the offending allergen(s). This can be difficult, and in some cases, impossible. NAET enables the patient to determine their allergies through non-invasive techniques of Muscle Response T esting and computerized testing and can permanently remove adverse reactions that are experienced if the patient is exposed to these substances.

Does an anatomical and straight posture play very important role in our healthy life? Can a compressed or pinched nerve or an obstruction in the energy flow be the result of an allergy? Yes it does. Spinal Para vertebral muscle relaxation is very important to release nerve roots and maintain the intra-vertebral space where nerve roots and autonomic nerve system ganglia's are located. Therefore, it important to release spastic muscles in order to release (unblock) compressed (blocked) nerve roots and ganglia and to normalize the energy flow in the corresponding organ and meridian.

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