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 Spiders311:	 Owner of Johnstowns  haha 
 JPolenik:	 hey thanks :) 
 Spiders311:	 you don't own j-town 
 JPolenik:	 finally someone appreciates my sense of humor 
 Spiders311:	 i own johnstown 
 JPolenik:	 ohhh really :)  nice to meet you then.. can I have a welcome to your town? lol 
 JPolenik:	 lol 
 Spiders311:	 funny 
 Spiders311:	 how old are you 12? 
 JPolenik:	 now see.. I've been handin out all these welcomes to my town and it was actually yours.. it was misplaced 
 JPolenik:	 no.. switch the numbers and add a few, paco 
 JPolenik:	 lol 
 Spiders311:	 paco 
 JPolenik:	 lol 
 JPolenik:	 so.. whose girlfriend am i messing with today 
 JPolenik:	 that you're on my case 
 JPolenik:	 lol 
 Spiders311:	 your a joker 
 Spiders311:	 i like that 
 JPolenik:	 a smoker.. a midnight toker 
 Spiders311:	 repeating songs now 
 JPolenik:       of course... hey.. let's chat on my other name 
Digitotialis: hello
Digitotialis: i am the mighty digitotialis
Spiders311: i'm the mighty italian
Digitotialis: hmmm.. mighty italian boy or girl?
Spiders311: You don't want to mess with me
Digitotialis: really? *as he talks to the mighty digitotialis*
Digitotialis: lol
Digitotialis: so who gave you my name.. who's your girlfriend .. cut to the chase, so I can stop talking to her.. otherwise, she might give it up
Digitotialis: hurry.. time is running out
Digitotialis: lol
Spiders311: don't fuck with me
Digitotialis: come on over.. i got a tech
Digitotialis: lol
Spiders311: your probably a fag
Digitotialis: you be eatin lead
Digitotialis: home boy
Digitotialis: lol
Spiders311: sure bitch
Digitotialis: hahahahaa
Spiders311: you ain't got the balls
Digitotialis: hey.. I'll be the first to inform you.. spiders dont scare digitotialis
Digitotialis: digi digi digi
Spiders311: what are you a nigger
Digitotialis: awww.. bad choice of words, cracka
Spiders311: bad choice
Digitotialis: yes.. spic
Spiders311: who threaten me
Digitotialis: lol
Spiders311: spic are mexicans dumb fuck
Digitotialis: come on up
Digitotialis: lol
Digitotialis: hahahhaa
Spiders311: where
Digitotialis: where in the dictionary does it say that digitotialis cares
Digitotialis: eh?
Digitotialis: say it again
Spiders311: come down here
Digitotialis: whats my name
Digitotialis: say the n word
Spiders311: bitch
Digitotialis: say it
Digitotialis: come on
Digitotialis: pussy
Digitotialis: lol
Digitotialis: you wont huh
Digitotialis: say it
Spiders311: say what bitch
Digitotialis: I'll have 95 of my people storm your door in
Digitotialis: you're on a fuckin AOL name
Digitotialis: you aren't even using AIM
Digitotialis: how bold.. you've been on for 13 minutes
Digitotialis: we can find you
Digitotialis: please stop.. lol.. for your own sake home brew
Spiders311: bring it
Digitotialis: come on homeslice.. lol
Digitotialis: hahahhaa
Spiders311: faggot
Digitotialis: nothing can hurt me
Digitotialis: say the n word
Digitotialis: I wanna have my friend find you
Digitotialis: i am digitotialis
Spiders311: damn i scared
Digitotialis: please
Digitotialis: say it
Digitotialis: you punked out.. that's respectable..
Digitotialis: as it should be
Digitotialis: i am digitotialis
Digitotialis: remember my name
Spiders311: take your fantasy and shove it
Digitotialis: lol
Digitotialis: hahahahhaaaa
Digitotialis: my friends are gonna laugh their ass off
Digitotialis: hahahahahahahahaaaa
Digitotialis: you're messin with the digi
Spiders311: yeah sure
Digitotialis: you're messin with the digi
Digitotialis: hahahhahaa
Digitotialis: ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Spiders311: digi aww shit
Digitotialis: hee hee heee hee heeeeeeeee
Spiders311: never heard of you
Digitotialis: ho ho ho.. I'hahah
Digitotialis: im gonna get the mighty santa.. hang on
Digitotialis: lol
Digitotialis: i gotta tell him this
Spiders311: get who ever
Digitotialis: ha ha ha haa
Digitotialis: you're shit
Digitotialis: you're shit man.. I'm gonna tell him you said the N word
Digitotialis: and then my friend the Shadow will find out who you are.. so stupid to use AOL to start shit
Digitotialis: I just hope I don't know you
Digitotialis: cuz u messed with the digi
Spiders311: digi damn i'm scared
Digitotialis: oh man.. they're gonna be laughin
Spiders311: i'm so sorry
Digitotialis: this is fun
Spiders311: ain't
Spiders311: i don't know you i'm just bored
Digitotialis: you don't understand.. it's ok
Spiders311: what's that mean
Digitotialis: people mess with us because they don't understand
Digitotialis: you're actually mighty too.. join us
Spiders311: understand what
Digitotialis: be mighty
Spiders311: join what
Spiders311: what are you into
Digitotialis: i am mighty
Spiders311: alright i got that but now i'm liking you
Spiders311: join what
Spiders311: now were talking
Digitotialis: you want to join the mighty group?
Digitotialis: I have to ask the mighty santa
Spiders311: depends what are you into
Digitotialis: he is our leader
Digitotialis: and the mighty Shimee
Spiders311: tell me about this shit i'm interested
Spiders311: we making money
Digitotialis: money is not all that matters
Digitotialis: all that matters is that you be mighty.. that's really all you have to do
Spiders311: what do you have to offer
Digitotialis: and I sense that you are mighty
Spiders311: now i'm sorry for fucking with you i like you
Digitotialis: mighty people don't lose their cool.. you sense that I could not lose my cool
Spiders311: i know
Digitotialis: somewhere deep inside you want to be mighty
Spiders311: what do i have to do
Digitotialis: umm.. basically just be mighty.. that's really all Santa asks of any of us
Digitotialis: I'll have to tell him you want to join
Spiders311: you deal drugs
Digitotialis: santa is in Florida
Spiders311: i want more info
Digitotialis: Shimee.. I have no clue where he's at
Spiders311: i want people around me that has balls like you
Digitotialis: well.. I can tell you this.. all you need is yourself.. sometimes mighty people find themselves on their own
Digitotialis: and they must be mighty on their own
Spiders311: fuck i'm just fucking around with you and know i like what i'm hearing
Spiders311: what do you guys do
Spiders311: drugs, guns, what
Digitotialis: being mighty is a way of life.. we have no need for those things
Spiders311: good
Digitotialis: mighty shimee is online
Digitotialis: let's see if he responds
Spiders311: tell him
Digitotialis: i did but he hardly ever responds.. and only Santa can let you in
Digitotialis: you really don't even need to prove that you are mighty.. just do your best to be mighty
Digitotialis: leave Shimee a message telling him you want to join the Mighty.. his SN is rabbitinpumpkin
Digitotialis: ask him to tell Santa
Digitotialis: tell him you were referred by digi
Spiders311: not on

Digitotialis: he is
Digitotialis: rabbitinpumpkin
Digitotialis: santa might not want his address to be given out
Spiders311: tell him to im me
Digitotialis: in fact, when I joined, they had to contact me.. Santa uses the yahoo pager
Digitotialis: his name isn't santa on it
Spiders311: well what do you guys do that your so mighty
Spiders311: i have a big crew
Digitotialis: we're the kind of people that take people out of other crews and get them to join ours
Digitotialis: one day, the whole planet will be Mighty
Spiders311: my crew is already strong enough
Spiders311: not agaisnt my crew
Digitotialis: did shimee respond?
Digitotialis: i dont think he's at his machine
Spiders311: no
Digitotialis: ok.. well do you have the yahoo pager?
Spiders311: no
Spiders311: what town do you guys representing
Digitotialis: well.. Santa is in florida
Digitotialis: shimee.. who knows where.. and I'm from around
Digitotialis: there are others
Spiders311: you guys don't seem to offer much
Digitotialis: everyone joins us.. and we have very very good luck
Spiders311: what makes you think your crew is stronger then mine
Digitotialis: one reason ... we are resilient
Digitotialis: I know you want to be mighty too
Spiders311: i'm mighty already
Spiders311: people don't fuck with me
Digitotialis: yes you are....
Digitotialis: you are mighty
Digitotialis: Mighty Spider
Spiders311: i take care of people who fuck with my crew
Digitotialis: the spider is mighty.. the spider is powerful.. and wise
Digitotialis: and resilient
Spiders311: spiders are sneaky and can kill
Digitotialis: YES!
Spiders311: i never heard of your gang
Digitotialis: we are stealthy
Spiders311: i want a gang that has balls
Spiders311: makes money
Digitotialis: I am digitotialis.. dark demon of oil (on fire)
Spiders311: and take care of there own
Spiders311: i don't deal with satanist
Digitotialis: we are not satanists
Digitotialis: in fact, santa got mad at me the other day when I was telling him some of the things I had done
Spiders311: so how you guys make money
Digitotialis: we don't make money.. we don't need it
Spiders311: why
Digitotialis: being mighty makes us not need those other things
Spiders311: you can't live without money
Digitotialis: I'm actually the most rebellious of my group.. I'm the dude with the ho's etc. the one who gets into trouble
Spiders311: where you guys located at
Digitotialis: everywhere
Digitotialis: and nowhere
Digitotialis: no one can find us
Digitotialis: we "know"
Spiders311: if you know who am i
Spiders311: for all i know your a fucking cop setting me up
Digitotialis: I didn't get ahold of Shimee yet
Digitotialis: i didnt even turn on Y.P. to find Santa
Digitotialis: I am not "setting you up".. you found me
Digitotialis: think about it
Spiders311: i need crazy people who can fight

Digitotialis: oh we can fight..
Spiders311: make money if your going to support your own
Digitotialis: we have the superior firepower
Digitotialis: yes
Digitotialis: we lie in the shadows
Digitotialis: wait for it
Spiders311: but if your not making money how can you take care of you own
Digitotialis: our friend LP showed us how to get more money.. he is mighty too, but never joined us
Digitotialis: he never will
Digitotialis: he has his own group
Spiders311: how come i never heard of these groups
Digitotialis: because you have never met Santa, or Shimee, etc or anyone we deal with
Spiders311: how do i know your as powerful as you say you are
Spiders311: if you based in johnstown you did you ever deal with
Digitotialis: not based in johnstown..
Digitotialis: im not sure where the center is.. all i know is that santa is in florida so i guess we're based in florida
Spiders311: so you don't own no turf in j-town
Digitotialis: oh we can get anywhere
Digitotialis: it's like the A-team
Spiders311: j-town is my town
Digitotialis: a couple calls.. and we're all there
Digitotialis: no matter where whoever wants to brawl
Spiders311: you can't fuck with j-town
Spiders311: for one this town is a mess
Digitotialis: part of being mighty means we need to clean up this town
Digitotialis: get all the H out of it
Digitotialis: that's the first step
Spiders311: fuck you
Digitotialis: Santa would be pleased
Digitotialis: lol
Spiders311: you want h out
Spiders311: of this town
Digitotialis: i took the H out of johnstown
Digitotialis: jonstown
Digitotialis: LOL
Digitotialis: L O L
Spiders311: that's what you think that shit is getting moved alot around here
Spiders311: i want that shit out of here to
Spiders311: now we are talking business
Digitotialis: i know a house in moxham
Spiders311: let's take it down
Digitotialis: i know one in mine 37
Spiders311: mine 37 who
Spiders311: i have enemies there
Digitotialis: i have enemies everywhere.. you can't be mighty without having enemies
Spiders311: i want h out maybe you a better crew then mine
Digitotialis: jonstown.. just remember that
Digitotialis: remember that word yo
Spiders311: trust me mother fucker i'm mighty
Digitotialis: yes.. yes you are.. now we're talking business
Spiders311: who you know in that mine i bet it's the same person i'm after
Spiders311: i hate fucking drugs
Digitotialis: LP knows all about mine 37
Spiders311: i need a stronger crew to back me up
Digitotialis: stronger.. i have 3 m-16s in my trunk
Spiders311: ever hear of jesse maga
Spiders311: i need a gun are they clean
Digitotialis: they're only clean if I have them
Digitotialis: then they not clean
Spiders311: now we are fucking talking bussiness
Digitotialis: yes
Digitotialis: m-16s yo
Spiders311: how much you want for one
Digitotialis: i can't they belong to admiral calrissian
Spiders311: have of my crew is falling into those fucking drugs
Spiders311: organized group impressive
Spiders311: to fucking impressive
Spiders311: this better not be a set up
Digitotialis: no
Digitotialis: mighty people don't trick people
Digitotialis: you join the mighty on your own
Spiders311: i want h out of this town
Digitotialis: not being forced
Digitotialis: jonstown
Digitotialis: remember that word
Spiders311: we must meet
Digitotialis: you'll hear it soon
Digitotialis: we will.. I will talk to the santa
Spiders311: who is running that shit in the mines
Digitotialis: we know much.. we are wise.. and resilient
Digitotialis: we will know more soon
Digitotialis: we do have a house in moxham though at the bottom of a steep stairway with a no parking or some kinda sign on top
Spiders311: they putting out h
Digitotialis: that's what they did
Digitotialis: and i know exactly where it's at
Spiders311: they have to go
Digitotialis: yes
Digitotialis: i know a crack house in sollywood
Digitotialis: and a weed distributor in OCB
Spiders311: i hate these mother fucking druggies
Digitotialis: the weed distributor in OCB is called C.O.
Digitotialis: he's goin down too
Spiders311: i want in
Digitotialis: i will have to ask Santa
Spiders311: there is nothing more i would like to do then get rid of these people
Digitotialis: keep trying to contact shimee
Digitotialis: same here.. remember the word.. jonstown
Digitotialis: without the H
Spiders311: i will
Digitotialis: eventually it will be jonston without the W!!!!
Spiders311: where you live
Digitotialis: no more weed either
Digitotialis: me? im a friend of a friend of a friend
Spiders311: i'm don't like any of it
Spiders311: don't fuck with me where you from
Spiders311: i ain't walking into any fucking trap
Digitotialis: oh.. I'll have to ask Shimee first before I reveal anything
Spiders311: fuck them
Digitotialis: why would you be worried about a trap?
Digitotialis: have you done anything wrong?
Digitotialis: lol
Spiders311: something needs to be done about these drug shit
Spiders311: no i drink
Digitotialis: yes.. in due time.. and did I ever say I would use the M-16s on a person? no
Digitotialis: or people? no
Spiders311: i fucked with drugs and it ruined my life
Digitotialis: well.. I never even fucked with the drugs
Spiders311: i would probably
Spiders311: good choice
Digitotialis: I don't think Santa would approve if you used drugs before
Spiders311: they ruin your life
Digitotialis: he would probably let you join anyway
Digitotialis: we will see
Spiders311: i have the connections
Digitotialis: we will.. see..
Digitotialis: i must go now though
Spiders311: keep in touch
Digitotialis: i'm going to send him and some friends our talk..
Digitotialis: 3 things I ask you..
Digitotialis: first and most importantly, be mighty
Spiders311: go ahead
Digitotialis: second.. remember my name
Digitotialis: third.. remember the name jonstown (without the H!!) :-) ok? and PEACE OUT! :-)
Digitotialis: talk again soon.
Spiders311: but you remember
Digitotialis: digi out
Digitotialis: yes?
Spiders311: you fuck me over once it's over
Digitotialis: I don't even think santa will let you in
Digitotialis: you're too explosive and mean
Digitotialis: and you used drugs before
Spiders311: then his ass is mine
Digitotialis: lol
Digitotialis: fucking with the digi.. now the mighty santa
Digitotialis: oh heavens
Spiders311: did you ever hear of arron croyle
Spiders311: you fuck with the mob your dead
Digitotialis: yeah some fag that got shot in the neck
Spiders311: yeah
Spiders311: i know
Digitotialis: down thru the body.. etc
Spiders311: i know the people who did it
Digitotialis: look
Digitotialis: this is old news
Digitotialis: i need to go
Digitotialis: i have stuff to do.. please, pal
Digitotialis: let me get to it
Spiders311: fuck this shit i call war
Digitotialis: i take it you want in
Spiders311: i want in

Digitotialis: i'll seriously put in a good word with you with the admiral ok?
Spiders311: hold on
Digitotialis: that's the best i can do.. and digi's word is gold
Spiders311: this is my town
Digitotialis: ok?
Digitotialis: well it's going to be spelled like this soon.. jonstown
Digitotialis: seriously.. now it was nice meeting you
Spiders311: not if you fuck with me
Digitotialis: i need to jet bro
Spiders311: don't leave
Digitotialis: lo
Digitotialis: lol
Digitotialis: um.. who's calling the shots here?
Digitotialis: I am the mighty digitotialis
Spiders311: ia m
Digitotialis: you're using an AOL name
Spiders311: i'll take you guys down
Digitotialis: you don't understand
Spiders311: yeah so
Spiders311: you want my mother fucking name
Digitotialis: shadow probably already has it
Digitotialis: ok?
Digitotialis: now look i gotta go
Digitotialis: bye dude
Spiders311: where is shadow
Digitotialis: oh.. lol
Spiders311: don't fucking leave pussy
Digitotialis: good one
Digitotialis: there is no shadow.. u never heard that word
Digitotialis: bye bye
Spiders311: i thought so