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     04/03/2003 05:47 PM -0500


First Edition of The SeeUoracle

 Devin Becker - webmaster

     Please join us in celebrating our first edition of The SeeUoracle, the first online newspaper at SeeUonline.  These stories were gathered from September, 2002 through February 2003 by both full-time and part-time student reporters working in the In Print journalism course at SeeUonline.  Roving reporters were able to cover stories from all parts of the Mat-Su Valley from the Trapper Creek area down to Palmer.





Students Have Play Day In Talkeetna

by Amanda Summitt

     On a crisp October morning Mrs. Drake’s class awaited for the arrival of the Alaska State Train.  The class was going to go to Talkeetna for a field trip. Everybody was a little early getting to the train station because they were so excited about riding on the train. The students anxiously waited for the arrival of the train.  It came about thirty minutes late.

Mrs. Drake was asked why she had chosen to take her students to Talkeetna on the train. “I chose to take the kids to Talkeetna on the train for several reasons -- to give them exposure of Alaska and to give them exposure of a different kind of transportation that is not commonly used. The fourth grade classes had studied Alaska and this was a fun way to wrap up their studies.”.....

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Student Finds Crash As Wake Up Call

by Hollie Wynne

    “Well, don’t ever drive around without your headlights on,” SeeUonline student Matt Pistulka explained. After a rude awakening from a snow machine accident Pistulka realized his choices were live or die.

            Enjoying a day with his friend in Willow, AK, Pistulka and his friend, who was driving a truck, managed to collide. Neither of the vehicles were running headlights. The snow machine was badly injured, but no more then Matt himself....

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This site was last updated 04/03/03

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