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Extra Credit Project
World Religions (REL 130)

Indian Burial Mounds
Pinson, TN

The following are the steps to follow to receive extra credit (up to 10 points on your final grade)…

1. Write a three page, double spaced research paper on the significance of burial mounds for Native Americans.  Include specific information about the site in Pinson, TN.

2. Visit the state park site, located south of Jackson.  Get on Highland Dr. and go south approximately 10 miles to Pinson.  Follow the signs to the park.

3.  Turn in your paper and a brochure from the park, indicating you have been there.  The deadline for the paper is the last day of class.

4. You will qualify for up to a 10% bonus on your final grade, depending on the quality of your work.

Burial Mound Sites on the Internet:
Pinson Mounds Park Information
Indian Mound Sites of the U.S.
Adena Burial Mounds
Earthworks: Ancient Mound Builders
Earthworks: Modern Mound Builders

Burial Mounds: With links
Michigan's Indian Mounds
Etowah Indian Mounds, Georgia
Photo of mound in Crystal River, FL
I.A. Lapham on Wisconsin Mounds