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Updated on July 10,  2003  - And thus Bureaucracy, the giant power wielded by pygmies, came into the world. Balzac

Yeehaw!  Through the Uprights. 

NEW: Make Book Recommendations in Reader's Link! <CLICK>

7/10/03 Poems have been updated. <Click>


Come, let us browse...



Here are a few thoughts, picked randomly from my day-to-day ruminations.  Daniel is exposed!

Sort of.



Thinking Out Loud...


It is a strange ordeal trying to build a home on the web.  Most web pages turn out to be museums of some sort or another.  Brittany Spears, Michael Jordan, right-wing politicians, lingerie catalogs (cough), Friedrich Nietzsche, or Bill Clinton - pick one, you'll find some site dedicated to him, her, it or them.  You may worship whomever you please. Give homage as you see fit; it's a free country and an even more free web.

But don't consider this a little shrine to Daniel's glory.  Ha ha!  I would not blaspheme. Rather, this site is as much for myself as for the perusal of curious friends and passing strangers.  Just to collect some thoughts, post some writings, and allow others to get to know me - such are a number of reasons for this website.  I've always liked to think of my life as an open book, a sincere display of my innards wherever I go.  I'm sure this isn't as true as I'd suppose but still, this website keeps me honest.  Finally, I love the exchange of ideas and the eternal search for Truth - that's a pompously tall order from the daily Cosmic menu but still, that's a part of me.  I'm a thinker.  To know Truth, to know God, to know every little side to life - that's a good thing.  As a Christian bombarded by a thousand perspectives through media, books, and heated (sometimes) dialogue, the complexities and perplexities of all things come together to form a special view of life and that which really matters.

So, take a look around and tell me what you think.  I'll be adding a bit more in the near future. Feel free to write and give me the business! 



p.s. New short story: Long Distance by Jane Smiley. I really enjoyed this one. CLICK.  I would read it if I were you...

p.p.s. here's a picture of my dog, Snoopy. She (yeah, Snoopy is a girl. I know, I know...) is the prettiest thing.  And she's a smart one.  Use it as wallpaper.    <CLICK> 

p.p.p.s. INSPECTOR BLIX is coming to town!  CLICK! CLICK!



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I'm a reader. A bookworm. From Drano bottle labels to history texts to the classics - I love words.  Here are some good books I've read lately.  Post your reviews and recommendations here.




Hodge Podge and Miscellany... Aromatic Potpourri! Pictures, links, family, friends



Here are  a few links to some things of interest. Maybe you'll find something we both like or maybe you'll just find me peculiar.  Hmmm.


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