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Welcome to The Link To Parker's Place!

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Science is an amazing adventure. Science is full of wonder, excitement and intrique. A person who studies science enters a world of the unknown to find answers to a series of questions. Science is as old as the pyramids and as young as the youngest newborn baby. If that confuses you, THINK ABOUT IT FOR A MOMENT! From the first moment that a baby reaches out with curiousity into this great unknown world a quest for knowledge begins..... this is science! Science is as complicated as the mystery of the "Black Holes" and as simple as rising bread. Science is as quiet and delicate as the formation of a snowflake and as loud as the boom of an atomic explosion. Science is as wild as the animals seen on Wild Kingdom and as soft as the new petals on the first spring rose. Science is old, science is new, science is young, science is old. science is fun, science is serious, science is complicated, science is easy. But most of all science is YOU and science is ME! DID THIS GET YOU INTERESTED??? Well..........start your quest now! - Observe - Discover - Investigate - Create - Analyze - Compare and Learn

Now you are ready to venture into Parker's Place!

Parker's Place
Home Work February 4, 2004
Home Work February 5, 2004
